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Studies in Palmyrene Archaeology and History

Editor: Rubina Raja
Publishing Manager: Rosie Bonté
View online content List of Publications

ISSN 2983-5879

Method of peer review
at least two single-blind reviews undertaken by a specialist member of the Board and/or external specialists

Palmyra, Syrian Desert, History, Archaeology, urban development and history, cultural heritage studies, trade neolithic to modern times, religious studies, climate change, desert environments, historiography, funerary archaeology, iconography, long-distance trade, museum studies, collection studies

Accepted Language(s):
German, English, French, Italian, Spanish

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The oasis city of Palmyra in the Syrian Desert, a major centre of trade, politics, local artistic traditions, and religious practice in the ancient world, is a world-renowned site. Although Palmyra was the focus of historical study and discussion from as early as the twelfth century, knowledge of the city’s existence was then ‘lost’ to the western world, before it was rediscovered by Europeans in the seventeenth century. Since then, scholarly interest in the city has increased, and many aspects of the city’s archaeology and history have been addressed. This series provides a unique publication forum, drawing together various international research traditions focusing on Palmyra and its surrounding region, and making them available in one place for the first time. The series welcomes both monographs and edited collections addressing a variety of subjects connected with Palmyra, including archaeology, history, and historiographic and cultural heritage publications, as well as museum and collection studies.


    General Editor

    Rubina Raja, Aarhus Universitet

    Editorial Board

    Rubina Raja, Aarhus Universitet

    Nathanel Andrade, Binghamton University

    Olympia Bobou, Aarhus Universitet

    Maura Heyn, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

    Emanuele Intagliata, Università degli Studi di Milano

    Ted Kaizer, Durham University

    Eivind Seland, Universitetet i Bergen

    Jean-Baptiste Yon, Laboratoire HiSoMA, CNRS, Lyon


    Main Language: English

    Additional Languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish

    Double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication.

    Brepols general stylesheet in English can be found at:

    Submissions should be sent to:
    Professor Rubina Raja,

List of publications

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Prices excl. VAT

Palmyra in Perspective

Rubina Raja (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-61032-0 SPAH 11 | 2024 € 125,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-61033-7 (E-book)

Palmyrene Sarcophagi

Olympia Bobou, Rubina Raja
ISBN 978-2-503-60466-4 SPAH 10 | 2023 € 320,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) ISBN 978-2-503-60754-2 € 320,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Odds and Ends

Unusual Elements in Palmyrene Iconography Maura Heyn, Rubina Raja (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60396-4 SPAH 9 | 2023 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-60397-1 € 85,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Exchange and Reuse in Roman Palmyra

Examining Economy and Circularity Nathanael Andrade, Rubina Raja (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-60342-1 SPAH 8 | 2023 € 75,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-60343-8 € 75,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Carvers and Customers in Roman Palmyra

The Production Economy of Limestone Loculus Reliefs Julia Steding
ISBN 978-2-503-59785-0 SPAH 7 | 2022 € 105,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Palmyra and the East

Kenneth Lapatin, Rubina Raja (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59825-3 SPAH 6 | 2022 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

The Small Stuff of the Palmyrenes

Coins and Tesserae from Palmyra Rubina Raja (ed)
ISBN 978-2-503-59760-7 SPAH 5 | 2022 € 130,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)
Harald Ingholt

Excavating Palmyra

Harald Ingholt’s Excavation Diaries: A Transcript, Translation, and Commentary Rubina Raja, Jean-Baptiste Yon, Julia Steding
ISBN 978-2-503-59531-3 SPAH 4 | 2021 € 190,00 EXCL.VAT  (Hardback) ISBN 978-2-503-59533-7 € 190,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)

Individualizing the Dead

Attributes in Palmyrene Funerary Sculpture Maura Heyn, Rubina Raja (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59126-1 SPAH 3 | 2021 € 65,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)

Production Economy in Greater Roman Syria

Trade Networks and Production Processes Rubina Raja, Julia Steding (eds)
ISBN 978-2-503-59125-4 SPAH 2 | 2021 € 85,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback)
Harald Ingholt

Studies on Palmyrene Sculpture

A Translation of Harald Ingholt’s Studier over Palmyrensk Skulptur, Edited and with Commentary Olympia Bobou, Jesper Vestergaard Jensen, Nathalia Breintoft Kristensen, Rubina Raja, Rikke Randeris Thomsen
ISBN 978-2-503-59124-7 SPAH 1 | 2021 € 115,00 EXCL.VAT  (Paperback) ISBN 978-2-503-59532-0 € 115,00 EXCL. VAT   (E-book)