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Studies on the Faculty of Arts. History and Influence

Editors: Luca Bianchi Jacques Verger Olga Weijers
Publishing Manager: Julian Yolles
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ISSN 2565-8948

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

Universities, Liberal arts, intellectual history, history of ideas, cultural history

Accepted Language(s):
English, French

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The purpose of the new series Studies on the Faculty of Arts. History and Influence is to make the Faculty of Arts known to a broader public, outside the circle of specialists. The series aims at complementing the series Studia Artistarum, which publishes in-depth studies on the medieval Faculty of Arts and the various disciplines taught there, in order to increase and deepen the knowledge of specialists in this field. This aim can be realised by offering a stronger contextualization of the Arts Faculty. Thus, although the specific subject of Studia Artistarum is central also in the new series, it is enlarged chronologically, doctrinally, and culturally.

The new series proposes synthetic studies touching on various subjects related to the Faculty of Arts. In fact, most scholars (historians of philosophy in general, historians of theology, of the sciences, students of intellectual history or the history of ideas, etc.) cannot fully appreciate the importance of the Arts Faculty without a broader picture in which to situate it.

The volumes are meant in the first place for an educated public, curious about little known fields of history, but they could also be of interest to advanced students. The volumes will have a smaller format, so that they will be easy to read and to carry around. Instead of footnotes they will have in-text references to a substantial or annotated bibliography.


    Luca Bianchi, Milano
    Jacques Verger, Paris
    Olga Weijers, Paris

    Editorial Board
    Amos Bertolacci, Pisa
    Dragos Calma, Dublin
    David Lines, Warwick
    Colette Sirat, Paris


    Langues principales: anglais, français

    Tous les volumes parus dans cette collection ont été évalués uniquement sur base d’aspects académiques, par un Comité de Rédaction qui fonde son opinion sur des rapports rédigés par des critiques, étant des spécialistes dans le domaine. Le Comité de Rédaction garantit que l’appréciation est faite d’une manière indépendante, sans conflit d’intérêts. Le Comité de Rédaction ne prendra de décision définitive quant à la publication que lorsqu’elle aura revu le dernier état du manuscrit.

    Directives d'auteurs à appliquer :

    Brepols general stylesheet can be found at:

    Les propositions de publication doivent être envoyées à :
    Olga Weijers
    219 boulevard Raspail
    75014 Paris