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Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research

Editor: Gregory Pass
Publishing Manager: Guy Carney
Details View online content List of Publications

ISSN 2565-8735

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

Accepted Language(s):


Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research is a subsidiary series of Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research, which is published under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library, Saint Louis University. The series comprises monographs, essay collections, and catalogues pertaining to medieval and Renaissance manuscript studies.


    Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research is a subsidiary series of Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research, which is published under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library, Saint Louis University. The series comprises monographs, essay collections, and catalogues pertaining to medieval and Renaissance manuscript studies.

    Proposals to the series should be addressed to the Publishing Manager (