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Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays

Editor: Durham University
Publishing Manager: Rosie Bonté
Publisher: Pontifical Inst. of Mediaeval Studies
Details List of Publications

ISSN 2041-2959

Method of peer review
for a detailed description please see Author Information

History of Philosophy, Cultural history, Intellectual history, Political History, Historiography, Cross-cultural studies, From Middle Ages to Early Modernity


Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays will consider for publication scholarly monographs from any discipline within the period c.350-c.1620. Proposals should emphasise the original contribution of the submission and its scholarly merit. Work that formed the basis of successful doctoral theses is encouraged. The series is also dedicated to publishing collections of essays that make significant impact on the discipline, field or theme of the collection.


    Internal Evaluation and Peer Review

    When a complete manuscript is submitted, it is examined by members of the publications department and, where appropriate, by the relevant series editors. If the preliminary impression is favourable, the manuscript is sent to two independent external readers for appraisal.

    No decision to publish can be made without the recommendation of the two readers or of any further readers the department may appoint. If the readers give only qualified approval, consideration for publication will go forward once the author has revised the work (or answered any objections).

    The final decision to publish rests with the Institute’s Manuscript Review Committee, a group of senior scholars charged with maintaining the integrity of the PIMS imprint.

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