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Brepols Library of Christian Sources

Patristic & Medieval Texts with English Translations

Editor: Thomas O'Loughlin
Publishing Manager: Bart Janssens
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ISSN 2736-6901

Method of peer review
single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

patristics bilingual editions, medieval bilingual editions, Corpus Christianorum, English, Latin, early and medieval, Christian world, English-speaking world

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The cry 'ad fontes!' has been a constant among theologians of every variety since the mid-twentieth century. This is no simple process. Each generation needs to engage with the ancient and medieval sources afresh in a great act of cultural, intellectual, and linguistic translation. More than reproducing an historical artefact or transferring it into a new linguistic code, it requires engaging in a dialogue with the text.

One dialogical pole is to acknowledge the inherited text's distance from us by reading it in its original language, the other is to explore what it says within our world and language. Here the facing-pages of text and translation express this. These editions respect the original context by providing the best currently available Greek or Latin text, while the task of stating what it says today is found alongside it in the translation and in the notes and commentaries.

The process testifies to the living nature of these texts within traditions. Each volume represents our generation's attempt to restate the source in our language, cognisant that English is now the most widely used language among theologians either as their first language or their adopted language for scholarly communication.

Currently in preparation (2024)

The Donatist Compendium of 427 and Related Texts – Translated by Jesse Hoover
Tertullian, Ad martyras and De fuga – Translated by Thomas Heffernan
An Anonymous Irish Gloss on the Apocalypse – Edited and Translated by Francis X. Gumerlock
Arnobius of Sicca, Against the Pagans (Adversus nationes) – Translated by Robert Parker, with Introduction by Mark Edwards
Radulph of Rivo, On Observing the Canons (De canonum observantia) – Translated by Gerhard Eger and Zachary Thomas


    Professor Thomas O’Loughlin (Director)
    Dr Andreas Andreopoulos
    Professor Lewis Ayres
    Dr Lavinia Cerioni
    Professor Hugh Houghton
    Professor Doug Lee
    Professor Joseph Lössl
    Dr Elena Narinskaya
    Dr Sara Parks


    Main Language: English
    Additional Languages: Latin, Greek

    Peer review
    Single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication

    English short references can be found at:

    Submissions should be sent to
    Prof. Thomas O'Loughlin

List of publications

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