Submit a New Book Series, Journal, or Database Proposal to Brepols
If you have an idea for a new book series, journal, or database, we would love to hear more! You can find out more about how to submit a proposal below.
New Book Series and Journals
We are always pleased to receive proposals for new academic book series and journals, and we are happy to work alongside you and help your new series to take shape. If you have an idea for a new series, we suggest you get in touch with one of our Publishing Managers early on in the process. You can find out more about our Publishing Managers and their areas of interest here.
If you want to set up a new academic book series or journal, we will ask you to complete a proposal form (available in both English and French), which will then be discussed in detail by an internal committee at Brepols, where we will assess its viability both in terms of its academic merit and its interest to the wider scholarly market.
If a new series or journal is accepted, we will then generate a contract.
For further information on forming an Editorial Board, please see our Guidelines.
New Databases
We would be delighted to receive new proposals for academic databases (including bibliographies, encyclopaedias, and source collections), and we look forward to collaborating with you to establish your new database. Our highly skilled, in-house IT team understands the needs of researchers in the humanities, and the databases that we build reflect this. Carefully designed, customized user interfaces that allow researchers to employ efficient search strategies on well-structured data are combined together with state-of-the-art infrastructure to ensure that our data is always accessible. For the creation of bibliographies, we have developed a generic but customizable data-input platform and publication database, designed for efficient construction. From the initial planning and development stages onwards, we will work alongside you to provide technical expertise and support, and we also retain a long-term vision for our databases to ensure that they remain future-proof and accessible to new generations of researchers. We offer varied funding models to support our databases, including external funding or a traditional subscription model, and our databases can therefore be open to all, behind a paywall, or based on a mixed model.
If you have an idea for a new database, we warmly invite you to get in touch with our Database Coordinator, Chris VandenBorre, who will be pleased to assist you. All new proposals will be discussed in detail by an internal committee at Brepols, enabling us to assess its viability both in terms of academic merit, and its interest to the wider scholarly market