Book Series Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale, vol. 29

Radical Thinking in the Middle Ages: Acts of the XVth International Congress of the SIEPM, Paris, 22-26 August 2022

Monica Brinzei, Irene Caiazzo, Christophe Grellard, Aurélien Robert (eds)

  • Pages:2 vols, xxvi + 1177 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 col., 3 tables b/w.
  • Language(s):English, French, Italian
  • Publication Year:2025

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-61354-3
  • Hardback
  • Forthcoming (Apr/25)

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-61355-0
  • E-book
  • Forthcoming
  • Contains contributions in Open Access

  • *How to pre-order?

These volumes explore the roots and expressions of radical thought in medieval and Early Modern philosophy, highlighting both intellectual courage and intransigence across diverse traditions and institutional contexts.


Monica Brinzei is Senior Research Fellow (Directeur de recherche) at CNRS/IRHT and Vice-Director of IRHT. She was the PI of the ERC Starting-Grant THESIS (2012-2018) concerning lectures on the Sentences, and of the ERC Consolidator-Grant Debate (2018-2024) on the principia of Sentences lectures. She is currently the PI of the French consortium of RESTORY Horizon 2020 project (2024-2026). She is co-director of the Brepols series ‘Studia Sententiarum’ and in 2022, she was elected vice president of the SIEPM.

Irene Caiazzo is Senior Research Fellow at CNRS/LEM. Her research is focused on the history of medieval philosophy and science. She is editor-in-chief of the annual journal Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age. Her major publications include Lectures médiévales de Macrobe: Les Glosae Colonienses super Macrobium (Paris, 2002) and Thierry of Chartres: The Commentary on the De arithmetica of Boethius (Toronto, 2015).

Christophe Grellard is full professor (Directeur d'études) at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (PSL university) and a member of the Laboratoire d'études des monothéismes (LEM, CNRS). He has published extensively on the topics of medieval epistemology and moral philosophy. He is currently member of the Board of the SIEPM.

Aurélien Robert is Senior Research Fellow (Directeur de recherche) at the CNRS and Director of SPHERE research center (CNRS - Université Paris Cité - Université Paris 1). A specialist in the reception of ancient philosophy and science in the Middle Ages, he recently published Epicure aux enfers. Hérésie, athéisme et hédonisme au Moyen Âge (Paris, 2021), Le monde mathématique. Marco Trevisano et la philosophie dans la Venise du Trecento (Paris, 2023), as well as several edited volumes, including (with Ch. Grellard), Atomism in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology (Leiden-Boston, 2009), (with J. Biard), La philosophie de Blaise de Parme. Physique, psychologie, éthique (Florence, 2019) and (with I. Caiazzo and C. Macris) Companion to the Reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Leiden-Boston, 2022)


These volumes present a selection of papers delivered in Paris at the XV International Congress of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, August 22-26, 2022. The appearance of the term radix positionis in medieval debates inspired the contributors to investigate whether there was something that could be considered radical thought in the Middle Ages and, if so, what the roots of this radical thought were in the different philosophical traditions in various geographical, cultural, religious, and linguistic contexts (Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Latin).

Medieval philosophy often engaged in a quest for origins, but it could also be radical in its methodology or in its attitude when it refused any compromise on its principles or basic concepts, be they innovative or rediscovered. Radicalism could be conceived as extremism in pushing a hypothesis, procedure, or line of inquiry to its limits, leading to extreme positions. Radical thought could mean being intellectually inflexible on principles, obstinate in embracing theses that broke from tradition, progressive but also extremist. The contributions in these volumes thus analyse case-studies of doctrinal conflict, dogmatic struggle, and condemnation by religious or academic institutions, presenting examples of both intellectual courage and philosophical intransigence.



Monica Brinzei, Irene Caiazzo, Christophe Grellard, Aurélien Robert, Introduction

Part I: Plenary Sessions

Alain de Libera, Radicalité, annulation, oubli

Sarah Stroumsa, The Search for Jewish Andalusian Freethinking

Michele Trizio, Three Radical Philosophers in the Greek Middle Ages

Emma Gannagé, How Does Opium Chill? A Radical Response to Avicenna on Natural Properties

Virpi Mäkinen, The Radicalism of Franciscan Poverty and Its Legacy to the Subsistence Rights

Kantik Ghosh, Radical Certitude or Radical Perplexity? Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics, and Conscience in Later Medieval England

SIEPM Lifetime Achievement Reward 2022: Sten Ebbesen, My Radicals

Part II: Ordinary and Special Sessions

1. From Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages

Rosabel Ansari, La métaphysique éléatique et son explication psychologique dans la philosophie d’Al-Farabi

Laura Busetto, Les limites de la dialectique dans le Periphyseon d’Erigène

Luiz Marcos Da Silva Filho, Philosophy Without Subject in Augustine? Dialogue with Alain de Libera

Renato de Filippis, Boethius and the Opuscula Sacra: A Radical Theological Thinking?

Terence J. Kleven, Alfarabi’s Several Introductions to the Organon: Sorting out the Significance of the Manuscript Traditions of Istanbul, Tehran, and Diyarbakır

Luka Kuchukhidze, Determinism, Future Contingents and Divine Foreknowledge in Boethius’s II Commentary on De interpretatione

2. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

David Albertson, Immanence as Exile: Hadewijch as Philosopher of Finitude

Tadeusz Bartoś, Person as a Relation: Thomas Aquinas’ Theory of God

Paola Bernardini, The Notion of Forma Hominis in Albert the Great’s De quindecim problematibus

Irene Caiazzo, L’hérésie amauricienne et sa postérité ou des bienfaits des condamnations

Antoine Calvet, L’alchimie, image ou contre image d’une pensée radicale

Rodrigo Camargo, Les racines de la pensée juridique de Thomas d’Aquin

Elisa Chiti, Nunc cecidit haec anima de amore in nichilum: La radicalità dell’irruzione del nulla in Margherita Porete e Bonaventura

Valérie Cordonier, Qu’est-ce qu’une lecture radicale d’Aristote? La réception du Liber de bona fortuna (13e–16e siècles)

Mateus Domingues Da Silva, Platon et l’ontologisation des intelligibles d’après la Ḥikmat al-išrāq de Suhrawardī

Francesco de Benedittis, Defining the Subject Matter of Theology: The Concept of Radicality in John Pecham’s Principium to the Commentary on the Sentences

Carlos Arthur R. Do Nascimento, L’arbre de la philosophie

Anselmo Tadeu Ferreira, Interpretations of Thomas Aquinas’s Theory on the Soul

Albert D. Friedberg, Maimonides on Scriptural Anthropomorphism: It is what it is

Roberto Gatti, In Search of Last, Radical Averroes. Ibn Rushd’s Noetics Interpreted by His Jewish Commentator, Gersonides

Ann Giletti, How Radical is Radical? Heterodoxy and the Paris Radical Aristotelians

Guy Guldentops, Deradicalizing Christian Ethics: Bonaventure, Richard of Mediavilla, and Duns Scotus on the Imperative ‘Love thy Enemies’

Andrey Ivanov, Vis cogitativa and Ars facing Thomas Aquinas

Pedro Konzen Capra, The Wall of Separation Between the Deliberative and the Scientific Part of the Soul – Thomas Aquinas on Passage 1139a11-15 of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

Roberto Lambertini, Bacone e il Secretum Secretorum come specchio per i principi: Alcune note

Daniel J. Lasker, Were There any Karaite Radical Thinkers?

Julien le Mauff, La communitas perfecta chez les lecteurs d’Aristote: aux racines de la pensée civique et de l’exclusion

David Lemler, The Radicality of Religious Dogmatism: Medieval Jewish Philosophers and the Principles of Judaism

Isabel Léon-Sanz, La teoría bonaventuriana de la iluminación y el fundamento radical del conocimiento intelectual

Celina A. Lértora Mendoza, Roger Bacon y el giro lingüístico de la exégesis bíblica

Darlan Lorenzetti, For A Genealogy of Temporal Power: The Aristotelian and Augustinian Influence on Thomas Aquinas’ Theory of the State

Fiorella Magnano, The Role of the Communes animae conceptiones in Boethius and Albert the Great

Stephen Metzger, Aristotelian Virtue and Apostolic Poverty in the Polemical Debate: Between Thomas of York, OFM, and Gerard of Abbeville

Ritva Palmén, The Wandering Mind and Curiosity in Twelfth Century Philosophical Theology

Anna Rodolfi, Maître Albert polémiste. Acceptions de la radicalité dans la pensée d’Albert le Grand

Jens Ole Schmitt, Ibn Abī l-Ashʿath’s Treatise on Sleeping and Wakefulness

Napoleão Schoeller de Azevedo Júnior, From Intellect to Passions: An Analysis of How the Apprehension Through the Vis Cogitativa is Influenced by the Intellect

Chiara Carmen Scordari, Radicalizing Prophetical Anthropology and Messianism: Maimonides under the Lens of Joseph Soloveitchik

Sita Steckel, Signs of Radicalization. Conflict Escalation and the Fragmentation of Socio-Epistemic Consensus in the Polemics of William of Saint-Amour

Taki Suto, The Best Life and the Radicality in John of Dinsdale’s Ethics Commentary

Andrew G. Traver, Nicholas of Lisieux’s De perfectione et excellentia status clericorum

Cody C. Warta, Departing from the Philosopher: Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Topos


3. The Fourteenth Century

Alexandra Baneu, Narcissus Pfister on Eternity of God and of the World and his Radical Manner of Taking Notes

Charles Bolyard, Knowledge, Epistemic Regress, and the Ultima Visio in Ockham’s Quodlibets

Niccolò Bonetti, Salvare Averroè? Il problema della conoscenza divina in John Baconthorpe

Monica Brinzei, Perfectio radicalis in John Hiltalingen of Basel’s Principium I (Paris 1367-1368)

Nathaniel Bulthuis, Truth-Bearing and Objective Being: Walter Burley on the Consequence, ‘Some Proposition is False, Therefore its Contradictory is True’

Richard Cross, The Radical Franciscan Christology of William of Rubio

Ernesto Dezza, OFM, The Impeded Will: The Effects of Hellfire on the Damned According to John Duns Scotus

Robert J. Dobie, Meister Eckhart: A Radical Thinker?

Davide Falessi, Guillaume d’Occam sur la continuité et la toute-puissance divine

Francesco Fiorentino, Social Peace, Private Property, and Free Agreement According to John Duns Scotus

Christophe Grellard, Ut dormientes a somno excitaret. Retour sur la condamnation de Nicolas d’Autrécourt

Vesa Hirvonen, Was Jean Gerson’s Interest in Children Radical?

Vlad Ile, Worcester Cathedral Library ms. F. 73 ff. 3-21 in the Light of a Radical Catalogue Description

Martin Klein, Medieval Lived Experience

Roberto Limonta, Il segno radicale: la semiotica del calligramma in Opicino de Canistris

Mihai Maga, Withstanding a Radical Event: Etienne Gaudet’s Note Against Marsilius of Padua

Andrea Nannini, Metafisica dell’univocità e dell’analogia tra Giovanni Duns Scoto e Giovanni da Ripa

Madalina G. Pantea, Variation on the Same Question in John of Mirecourt’s Sentences (Ms. Salamanca, BU, 1863)

Ana Rieger Schmidt, Christine de Pizan on Wisdom and Kingship

Marcus Paulo Rycembel Boeira, Deontic Logic in the 14th Century: Normative Operators and Conditional Modalities Between William of Ockham and Roger Roseth

Amalia Salvestrini, Radicalité de la recherche. Inspirations rhétoriques autour de la beauté chez Nicolas d’Autrécourt

Marcella Serafini, La dialectique de la volonté et la possibilité du mal. Duns Scot entre Augustine et Abélard

Giacomo Signore, Radical Philology. Rewriting the Transmission History of the Fifteenth-Century Codex Basel, UB, A VIII 9

Emanuele Sorichetti, Radicaliter e formaliter. Essenza e attributi divini nella teologia trinitaria di Giovanni Duns Scoto

4. Early Modern Period

Claus A. Andersen, Radical Scotism: The Error Wiclefi in the Long Scotist Tradition

Jean Christian Egoavil, The Philosophical Projection of Medieval Scholasticism in the American Territories Throughout the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Matteo Esu, Radix Morbi. A Short Note on Anti-Contagion Measures and Resource Allocation in John Mair

Roberto Hofmeister Pich, Philosophy of Nature and the Principles of Natural Being: Characterizing (OLD) New Traditions in Latin American Scholasticism

Isabelle Mandrella, Blumenberg et la pensée radicale (Ursprünglichkeit) de l’Ontologie Médiévale

Rogério Tadeu Mesquita Marques, Liberdades nas Américas a partir do Ius gentium de Francisco de Vitoria

Silvia Negri, Radical Humility? Girolamo Savonarola’s Trattato dell’umiltà

Olaf Pluta, Pura ratione naturali dictante ponendum est: Radical Philosophical Thinking in the Late Middle Ages

Aurélien Robert, Galeotto Marzio da Narni’s Radical Ethics

József Simon, Radical Atheism and Scholastic Rational Theology in Christian Francken’s Disputatio (ca. 1590)


Index of Manuscripts

Index of Names