Book Series Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 48

Friendship as Ecclesial Binding

A Reading of St. Augustine’s Theology of Friendship from his In Iohannis Euangelium Tractatus

Phillip J. Brown

  • Pages: 201 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Illustrations:2 maps b/w
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2022

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59924-3
  • Paperback
  • Available
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59925-0
  • E-book
  • Available

Friendship as ecclesial unity, the call from Augustine to those beyond its boundaries


“There is much that can be learned from this book, and I found that it brought me back to Augustine’s sermons with eyes newly opened to key themes.” (Philip Cary, in Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 75, 2023, p. 155)

« À travers ce livre, Philip Brown rejoint le groupe des chercheurs qui mettent l’accent sur la pensée d’Augustin telle qu’elle est développée dans ses oeuvres moins étudiées, afin d’attirer l’attention sur ces dernières et de les valoriser à côté de ses principaux chefs-d’oeuvre. Son livre mérite d’être lu avec sérieux par tous ceux qui s’intéressent à l’approche d’Augustin sur la théologie de l’amitié en dehors des Confessions et surtout dans le contexte de la controverse donatiste. » (Kolawole Chabi, dans Augustiniana, 73/2, 2023, p. 366-369)


Rev Dr Phillip J. Brown holds a Master’s Degree in Systematic and Philosophical Theology and a PhD from the University of Nottingham. He serves as the Rector of a Benefice within the Church of England. His area of research is in Augustinian studies with a particular focus upon Augustine's theology of friendship.


In the age of Augustine, within the classical structures of society, nothing was more valued than friends and friendship. Augustine was an innovative thinker and friendship represents a good example of his flair for reconfiguring its framework into an ecclesial setting. He wrote: ‘what greater consolation do we have in this human society, riddled with errors and anxieties, than the unfeigned faith and mutual love of true and good friends?’. Yet, as a Christian Bishop, how would he reconceive this well established and treasured institution? Friendship was certainly something that became recast within the light of his conversion and immersion into the life of the Church. In Augustine’s exchange with the Donatists, we glimpse his most fully developed vision of friendship. Through his preaching on John’s gospel, which comes to us as his In Iohannis Euangelium Tractatus, Augustine reveals this vision of what friendship is. Given that John’s gospel gives such weight to the incarnation and to friendship, we can witness through his hermeneutical strategy of figuration, his notion that friendship with God comes in belonging to the totus Christus, ‘the whole Christ’. For Augustine, the universal nature of the Church as Christ’s body and bride enjoys a continued connection to the head (Christ) and through the Church, its members live within the embrace of the Spirit. With this foundation of friendship, Augustine cried out to those separated by schism: belong—be bound—be friends with God in Christ.


Referencing System

Part I
Chapter 1 The Empire, Eagle and Africa:

Donatism in the context of Church and State
Chapter 2 The Ties that Bind:
Augustine, Friends and Friendship
Chapter 3 Quia Caritas Dei:
Donatism, Friendship and the Unity of the Ecclesia

Part II
Chapter 4 Figuration and Friendship:

Rhetoric as the Clavis of Christian Amicitia
Chapter 5 The Amicus Sponsi and the Vision of Friendship
