Book Series Europa Humanistica : Bohemia and Moravia, vol. 3 (EH 22)

Paulus Niavis, Johannes Honorius Cubitensis, Gregorius Gelenius, Václav Písecký, Johannes Dubravius

Bohemian Editors and Translators at the Turn of the 16th Century

Marta Vaculinová, Ondřej Podavka, Bořek Neškudla, Lucie Storchová, Magda Králová, Marcela Slavíková (eds)

  • Pages: 492 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Illustrations:1 b/w, 21 col.
  • Language(s):English, Latin
  • Publication Year:2022

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59859-8
  • Hardback
  • Available


“Abgeschlossen wird Bohemia and Moravia III wie der Companion durch eine Auswahlbibliographie, einen Index der erwähnten Personen und Orte (eben[1]falls teils mehrsprachig) sowie insgesamt 21 Tafeln, die dem Leser visuell illus[1]trieren, was zuvor dargelegt wurde. Durch Niavis’ und Cubitensis’ Bezug zu Leipzig ist das Werk auch für die Humanismusforschung auf deutschem Boden interessant. Es ist zu hoffen, dass aus dem Projekt weitere Bände hervorgehen.” (Susann El Kholi, in Neulateinisches Jahrbuch, 25, 2023, p. 268)

"The edition of these texts is undoubtedly an important contribution to our understanding of humanism in a Bohemian context around 1500. These humanists were mostly engaged in presenting the texts of others, meaning that these paratexts are where their self-presentation and ideology are most clearly visible. It is thus important that modern scholars working in the field can easily access them in a modern edition. In some cases, this volume offers the only information in English on a particular text, meaning that it greatly increases the availability and accessibility of these Czech authors to those without any Czech." (Jonathan Seelye Martin, in Austrian History Yearbook, 2024/1-2)


Majority of the authors and editors are Researchers at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Marta Vaculínová deals with Latin humanist poetry, correspondence, libraries, and history of education. Lucie Storchová has published internationally on the Renaissance humanism, early modern intellectual history, and cultural transmission of knowledge. Marcela Slavíková specializes in Neo-Latin and Humanist Greek poetry of Bohemian origin and in the Latin correspondence of Johann Amos Comenius. Bořek Neškudla works in the Strahov Library in Prague. His main scientific interest is history of books and libraries and the reception of Classical Antiquity in Renaissance. Ondřej Podavka is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy. His main research interests are ego-documents and history of scholarship. Magda Králová is a PhD student in Classical philology at Charles University in Prague and works at the Institute of Philosophy. Her main research interest is reception of Classical and Old Norse culture.


The volume with a joint introductory chapter is in the first part devoted to Humanists publishing in the circle of the university of Leipzig at the turn of the 15th century: Paulus Niavis / Schneevogel (ca. 1453–1517) and Ioannes Honorius Cubitensis (ca. 1465–1504). The second part includes the translation work of Řehoř Hrubý of Jelení (ca. 1460–1514), mostly preserved in manuscript, the first translation from Ancient Greek into Czech by Václav Písecký (ca. 1482–1511), and a remarkable edition of Martianus Capella’s work De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii prepared by Ioannes Dubravius (ca. 1486–1553). The volume covers a relatively short period beginning in 1488, when the editions of Niavis and Honorius are first documented in Leipzig, and ending with 1516, when Dubravius’s edition of Martianus Capella was published in Vienna.


I. Introduction and Acknowledgements
II. The Treatment of Ancient Texts in the Czech Lands around 1500: Editions, Commentaries and Translations (by Lucie Storchová)
III. Edited part

Paulus Niavis (c. 1453–1517), ed. Marta Vaculínová Biography, Editorial Note, and Editions

1. Basilius Magnus: De legendis antiquorum libris. Trad. Leonardus Brunus Aretinus [1490–1494]
2. Cicero, Marcus Tullius
I.  In Catilinam Oratio I. [c. 1495]
II.  Pro Marcello oratio [c. 1495]
3.  Lucianus Samosatensis: Charon. Trad. Rinucius Aretinus [c. 1488, c. 1494]
4.  Lucianus Samosatensis: Quomodo nudus per Acherontem transvehi potest
Pseudo-Petrarca: Recommendatio heremi. Trad. Johannes Aurispa [c. 1492, c. 1492–1493]
5.  Montemagno, Buonaccorso da: De nobilitate [c. 1488–1489]
6.  Pseudo-Plato: Amatores, sive De philosophia. Trad. Marsilius Ficinus [c. 1488–1489]
7.  Plato: Epistolae. [Trad. Marsilius Ficinus] [c. 1490]
8.  Vegius, Mapheus: Philalethes [c. 1489]

Johannes Honorius Cubitensis (c. 1465–1504): Biography, Editorial Note and Editions (by Marcela Slavíková)

Basilius Magnus: De legendis libris gentilium. Trad. Leonardus Brunus Aretinus [c. 1503]
Brunus Aretinus, Leonardus: Epistolarum familiarium libri IX [after 27 October 1499]
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
1. Cato maior de senectute [1493]
2. Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Laelius de amicitia [1493] (dubia)
Griffolinus Aretinus, Franciscus: Epistole Phalaridis [1498]
Hesiodus: Opera et dies. Trad. Nicolaus de Valle [1499]
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus
1. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Carmina [c. 1492]
2. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Epistolae [1498]
3. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Liber epodon [1492]
4. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus: Sermones [c. 1492/96]
Maius, Johannes: De componendis versibus hexametro et pentametro [after 18 August 1488]
Mancinellus, Antonius: Versilogus [1493]
Mancinus, Dominicus: De quattuor virtutibus [after 30 June 1488]
Mantuanus, Baptista
1. Mantuanus, Baptista: Contra poetas impudice loquentes [1499]
2. Mantuanus, Baptista: De calamitatibus temporum [1502]
Martialis, Marcus Valerius: Xenia et Apophoreta [1488]
Mombritius, Boninus: De dominica passione [1499]
Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae [c. 1492–1495]
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius: Dittochaion [1499]
Valerius Maximus: Honorius Cubitensis, Johannes: Epitomata super novem libros Valerii Maximi de dictis factisque memorabilibus [1503]
Vegius, Maphaeus: Vita divi Antonii [1492]
Vergilius Maro, Publius: Georgica [1498] (dubia)

Announcements of lectures by Johannes Honorius Cubitensis
1. Honorius Cubitensis, Johannes: Announcements of lectures on Horatius [c. 1492–1500]
2. Honorius Cubitensis, Johannes: Announcement of lectures on poetry, on the Thebais of Statius and Heroides of Ovidius, and on Alexander de Villa Dei [c. 1494]
3. Honorius Cubitensis, Johannes: Announcement of lectures on Valerius Maximus and on the art of poetry [c. 1492–1495]

Poems by Honorius not included in his editions, doubtful editions and handwritten records of Honorius’s didactic efforts

1. Calpurnius Siculus, Titus: Bucolicum carmen [c. 1490]: Joannes Cubitensis Ad amatores Virgilianos [1492]; Ad Priscum; a Lecture on the Bucolic Genre
2. Lupinus, Mattheus: Carmina; Quaestio de poetis [1500]: Johannis Honorii Cubitensis Carmen laudatorium
3. Missale Misnense [1495]: Joannis Cubitensis Epigramma
4. Missale Pragense [1498]: Joannis Cubitensis Epigramma
5. Theologische Sammelhandschrift: Magister Joannes Cubitensis Ad Priscum and Monostichs on important authors, Universitätsbibliothek München, 0001/4, pp. 90b–91b

Řehoř Hrubý z Jelení (Gregorius Gelenius, c. 1460–1514) Václav Písecký (c. 1482–1511), Biography and Editorial Note, Editions, and Translations into the Czech language (by Bořek Neškudla)

1. Agapetos Diaconus: De officio regis ad Iustinianum Caesarem, Scheda regia / Napomenutí císaři Justiniánovi (1513)
2. Basilius Magnus: De invidia / O závisti (1513)
3. Campano, Giannantonio: De regendo magistratu / Jana Antonína Campanského kniehy o tom, kterak má zpravován býti úřad (1513)
4. Cicero, Marcus Tullius
I. Laelius de amicitia / Knihy o přátelství (1513)
II. Paradoxa stoicorum / Kusové hodní podivení (1513)
5. Erasmus Rotterodamus
I. Adagia (selection) (1513)
II. Encomium moriae / Chvála bláznovství (1513)
6. Ficino, Marsilio: Epistolae 1. De officiis. Marsilius Ficinus Cherubino Quarqualio. 2. Veritas de institutione principis ad Raphaelem Riarium cardinalem / O tom, co mají všelijací lidé činiti (cca 1501–1506)
7. Gregorius Magnus: Homiliae super Ezechielem / Řeč svatého Řehoře na slova Ezechiele proroka (1513)
8. (Pseudo-) Isokrates: Ad Demonicum, Προς Δήμονίκον / Řeč k Démonikovi (c. 1510)
9. Joannes Chrysostomus: De reparatione lapsi / Knihy svatého Jana Zlatoústeho o napravení padlého (1497)
10. Pontano, Giovanni Gioviano
I. De fortitudine / O statečnosti (1511)
II. De principe / O králi (1513)
III.  Charon (1513)
IV. De oboedientia / O poslušenství (1513)
V. De beneficentia / Kniehy o dobročinnosti nebo o činiení dobrodiení (1513)
11. Petrarca, Francesco
I. De remediis utriusque fortunae / Kniehy dvoje o lékařství proti štěstí a neštěstí (1501)
II. Epistolae sine titulo / Listy bez titulu (1513)
12. Valla, Lorenzo
De falso credita et ementita Constantini Donatione / O neprávě uvěřeném a smyšleném Konstantinovu papeži nadání (1513)
13. Vitae patrum
Vitae patrum 1 / Životy svatých otců, kteří obývali na poušti (1516)
Vitae patrum 2 / Knihy druhé o životech otců svatých (1516)
14. The preface by Řehoř Hrubý of Jelení to his Large Collection of Translations (1513)

Johannes Dubravius (c. 1486–1553), Biography, Editorial Note, Editions, and List of frequently mentioned classical authors (by Lucie Storchová, Ondřej Podavka, Magda Králová)

Martianus Capella: De nuptiis Mercurii et Philologiae. Commented edition (1516)
Liber primus 
Notes to Liber primus
Liber secundus 
Notes to Liber secundus

IV. List of Abbreviations
V.  Selected Bibliography
VI.  Index of Persons and Places
VII. Plates