Revue d'histoire des textes, n.s. 17/2022
- Pages: 440 p.
- Size:160 x 240 mm
- Illustrations:11 col.
- Language(s):French, English, German
- Publication Year:2022
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59768-3
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Joachim O. Kraaij, The manuscript affiliations of BTW in the tradition of Plato’s Euthydemus
Anna Aleotti, Sull’eliminatio descriptorum nella tradizione manoscritta dei Theognidea
Maria Giovanna Sandri, L’epitome del Περὶ πνευμάτων di Trifone d’Alessandria (con nuovi frammenti di Alessandro Etolo (?), Tirannione e Aristocle di Rodi)
Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón, Un escolio en el Vat. gr. 1340 y la transmisión de la Καινὴ ἱστορία de Tolomeo Queno
Anthony Dupont, Giulio Malavasi, The Liber Caelestii : a historical and theological analysis of its fragments
Richard Shaw, What can a reassessment of the relationship between the main textual recensions of Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica reveal about his last stages of work on the History ?
Javier Soage, De l’in principio à la dilectio proximi. La réception de quelques notes anonymes
Luca Cadili, Sous le charme de l’écriture : les Scholia Turonensia et le scriptorium de Corbie
Samu K. Niskanen, Anselm’s so-called Commendatio operis ad Vrbanum papam II : its affiliation, transmission, and a new critical edition
Patrick Gautier Dalché, Une version « provençale » du Compasso de navegare en traduction latine
Steven J. Livesey, A new manuscript of Gerbert of Aurillac’s Epistola ad Constantinum : ms. Saint-Omer, Bibliothèque d’Agglomération, 312
Franz Dolveck, Notes critiques sur l’Hymnaire du Paraclet d’Abélard