Book Series Bibliothèque de la Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, vol. 110

Verso l' Ut Omnes - Towards Ut Omnes

Vie, luoghi e protagonisti dell’ecumenismo cattolico prima del Vaticano II - Ways, places and protagonists of Catholic ecumenism before Vatican II

Philippe Chenaux, Lubomir Žak (eds)

  • Pages: 183 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Language(s):Italian, English, French
  • Publication Year:2021

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59660-0
  • Paperback
  • Available
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-59661-7
  • E-book
  • Available


Philippe Chenaux, ordinary professor of Modern and Contemporary Church History at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University, member of the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences. He is specialised on the history of Catholicism and the papacy of the twentieth century.

Lubomir Žak, ordinary professor of Introduction to theology and History of theology at the Pontifical Lateran University. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the Center for Studies and Research on Vatican Council II and Scientific Director of the Academy of Lutheran Studies in Italy.


The studies collected in this volume highlight the rising of an ecumenical consciousness within the Catholic Church in the early twentieth century. The Catholic paths, suggested in view of the hoped-for Christian unity before the Second Vatican Council, were different but complementary: the path of prayer and liturgy, that of theological re ection, that of fraternal witness and that of martyrdom. The text offers valuable contributions on all these paths, written by specialists in the history of ecumenism.

Gli studi raccolti nel presente volume mettono in luce il nascere di una coscienza ecumenica all’interno della Chiesa cattolica nel primo Novecento. Le vie cattoliche suggerite in vista dell’auspicata unità cristiana prima del concilio Vaticano II furono diverse ma complementari: la via della preghiera e della liturgia, quella della ri essione teologica, quella della testimonianza fraterna, quella del martirio. Su tutti questi cammini sono qui riportati preziosi contributi, scritti da specialisti della storia dell’ecumenismo.


Lubomir Žak

Paolo VI, un cammino ecumenico
Philippe Chenaux

Max Josef Metzger’s Ecumenism of Blood
Lubomir Žak

Il mondo di Paderborn
Jörg Ernesti

Yves Congar, gli anni del pionierismo ecumenico
Giovanni Tangorra

Taizé e il mondo cattolico. Da Paul Couturier ai papi del concilio
Gianluca Blancini

The Louvain Faculty of Theology’s Failed Attempt to Found an Ecumenical Chair
Mathijs Lamberigts

L’abate Costantino Bosschaerts e l’ecumenismo profetico di Vita et Pax
Donato Giordano o.s.b.

Alberto Bellini per una teologia del dialogo
Mauro Velati

Tra Roma e Ginevra. L’abbé Edmond Chavaz
Lorenzo Planzi

Louis Bouyer et l’anglicanisme. Naissance d’une famille d’esprit
Bertrand Lesoing

À la veille de Vatican II. La conversion oecuménique du diocèse de Montréal
Gilles Routhier

Philippe Chenaux
