The Son is Truly Son
The Trinitarian and Christological Theology of Eusebius of Caesarea
Adam Renberg
- Pages: 204 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:3 tables b/w.
- Language(s):English, Greek, Latin
- Publication Year:2021
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59498-9
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59499-6
- E-book
- Available
This book provides a reconsideration and rehabilitation of Eusebius of Caesarea’s theology of the Son of God, which contributes to understandings of the Arian controversy, Origenism in the fourth century, and the development of Trinitarian doctrine.
« C’est l’Eusèbe historien de l'Église ou encore le commentateur de la Bible qui intéresse habituellement les chercheurs. Cette étude approfondie du théologien est bienvenue. » (P.-M. Bogaert, dans : Revue bénédictine 132/1, 2022, p. 186)
“Das vorliegende Buch macht somit konzentriert und präzise sichtbar, welch große Bedeutung das Werk und die Theol. des Eusebius von Caesarea für die Dogmengeschichte des vierten und fünften Jh.s hatte. Daher stellt die vorliegende Studie ein höchst willkommenes Werk da, das einerseits allen, die sich mit der Theol. des Eusebius von Caesarea beschäftigen wollen, als Einstiegslektüre zu empfehlen ist, zugleich aber einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung der Lehre dieses lange Zeit völlig unterschätzten Theologen darstellt, an das hoffentlich noch viele Studien anschließen werden.” (Holger Strutwolf, in Theologische Revue 120, Mai 2024)
Adam R. Renberg teaches courses in theology and Christian Studies at Anderson University and serves as a pastor in Anderson, South Carolina. He holds a Ph.D. in historical Theology from St. Mary’s College, University of St. Andrews, completed under the supervision of Mark Elliott.
Theology in the early fourth century was engrossed with questions about the nature of the Son of God in relation to the Father. How was he ‘from the essence’ of the Father? Was there a time when he was not? While generally treated as a minor footnote in the development of trinitarian and christological theology by most modern scholars, Eusebius of Caesarea provides a rich and original contribution to these debates about the trinity and theology in the midst of the Arian controversy. This project explores the theological framework of Eusebius, focusing specifically on his understanding of the Son of God. Therein, it proposes and employs an underutilized lens to view the bishop – according to his exegetical strategies and his explicitly theological works. In doing so, Eusebius’ primary understanding of the nature and role of the second person of the Trinity comes to the fore: the Son is truly Son. By focusing on his theology of the Son in multiple facets – trinitarianism, cosmology, soteriology, and Christology – his unique theological contribution to the church becomes clear. Eusebius is an important transmitter of Origenian theology and a foundational thinker for the later fourth and early fifth century.