The Discoveries of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity
Their Impact on Patristic Studies and the Contemporary World (Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Patristic Studies)
Patricia Ciner, Alyson Nunez (eds)
- Pages: 424 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:2 b/w
- Language(s):English, Spanish
- Publication Year:2022
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59149-0
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59150-6
- E-book
- Available
Studies on the impact of discoveries of late antique manuscripts on early Christian studies and the contemporary world
"Les éditeurs ont raison de noter la confiance que les éditions Brepols ont accordée à une « small university far from the principal academic centers of the world », car ce volume est en effet d’une qualité exemplaire." (Yann Vadnais, dans Laval théologique et philosophique, 80/3, 2024, p. 498)
This book offers an anthology from the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies, “The Discoveries of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity: Their Impact on Patristic Studies and the Contemporary World”, which took place in San Juan, Argentina, in March 2017. The aim of this event was to analyze and assess 20th- and 21st-century discoveries of manuscripts from Late Antiquity. Indeed, complete libraries of manuscripts, as well as individual documents of great importance for our understanding of historical authors and situations, have come to light after having been buried for millennia. Just some examples are the incredible discoveries of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic library, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Origen of Alexandria’s homilies, and Augustine’s sermons, among others. Rather than being passive documents, these manuscripts pose numerous questions to specialists from a diverse array of fields, demanding new evaluations of a past that was already thought to be understood and judged.
Introduction: The Discovery of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity: An Open Debate in Patristic Studies and in Contemporary Times (Patricia Ciner)
Chapter 1. The Discovery of the Manuscripts of Qumran and the Apocryphal Literature: Their Impact on Patristic Studies
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Magdalena Díaz-Araujo)
Manuscripts of Christian Apocrypha: The Texts and their Use (Alberto D’Anna)
The Mystery of Melchizedek in Early Christianity in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Adolfo D. Roitman)
Health and Disease in Qumran Texts and Jewish Apocryphal Literature (Juan Carlos Alby)
Chapter 2. The Discovery of Origen’s Manuscripts and those of the Alexandrian Tradition: Their Impact on Patristic Studies
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Anders-Christian Jacobsen)
Origen’s Renaissance in the Twentieth Century and the Recovery of his Literary Heritage: New Finds and Philological Advancement (Lorenzo Perrone)
Self-knowledge and Dispersion in the Alexandrian Tradition (Rubén Peretó Rivas)
Chapter 3. The Discovery of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Library: Its Impact on Patristic Studies
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Mariano Troiano)
Corpus Gnosticum. Noticias y fuentes sobre los Gnósticos incluida la Biblioteca de nag hammadi y otros hallazgos anteriores menos conocidos (Francisco García Bazán)
What Difference Does the Gospel of Judas Make? (David Brakke)
Magic and Theology. Barbaric Utterances in the Pistis Sophia and their Different Levels of Interpretation (Mariano Troiano)
Chapter 4. The Discovery of Coptic and Syriac Manuscripts: Their Impact on Patristic Studies
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner)
The Discovery of Coptic Manuscripts and the Development of Patristic Studies: Methodological and Epistemological Issues and the Challenge of Some New Research Projects (Alberto Camplani)
Recovering Late-Antique Christian Identities: The Ongoing Discovery and Rediscovery of Syriac Manuscripts, their Diversity, and Limitations (Luise Marion Frenkel)
Chapter 5. The Discovery of Collections of Letters from the Patristic Era: Its Impact on Western History
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner)
The Vision of God and Augustine’s De uidendo deo liber unus (= ep. 147) (Oscar Velásquez)
Pope Leo I’s Letters on “The Manichean Perversity” (Bronwen Neil)
Chapter 6. Manuscripts from Late Antiquity and from the Patristic Period: Their Discovery, Conservation and Digital Publication
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner)
Writing Materials of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Ira Rabin)
La “vocación patrística” de la Biblioteca Vaticana (Cesare Pasini)
The Impact of Recent Archaeological, Historical and Literary Discoveries for the Study of Patristics (Angelo Di Berardino)
Chapter 7. The Discovery of Manuscripts from Late Antiquity and its Impact on the Contemporary World
Brief Introduction to the Topic (Patricia Ciner)
Papyri, Parchments, and Ostraca and the Study of Ancient Christianity Today (Theodore De Bruyn)
The Impact of the Rediscovery of Manuscripts on Theology and Religious Culture after the Second World War (Marco Rizzi)