Journal of the Alamire Foundation 8/2 - 2016
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The Leuven Chansonnier I
Ryan O’Sullivan, Introduction
Fabrice Fitch, Spotlight on a Newly Recovered Song: The Anonymous Virelai Si vous voullez que je vous ame from the Leuven Chansonnier
Adam Knight Gilbert, Songs that Know Each Other in the Leuven Chansonnier
Paul Kolb, Anacruses and Opening Rests in the Leuven Chansonnier
Thomas Schmidt, On the Production and Reading of the Leuven Chansonnier
Free Papers
Eulmee Park, Guilielmus Monachus on Fauxbourdon and Gymel: A Re-Examination
Research and Performance Practice Forum
Stratton Bull, Ruth I. DeFord, Fabrice Fitch, Quomodo tempus fugit: Time, Mensuration, and Performance in Obrecht’s Missa Maria zart