Ikon 13/2020
Afterlife of Antiquity
- Size:240 x 310 mm
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2020
- ISBN: 978-2-503-58731-8
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Claudia Cieri Via
Aby Warburg and the Afterlife of Antiquity
Morphology and History
Han Lamers
Afterlife of Antiquity: Historical Maenderings
Katia Mazzucco
Nachlebende, Nachleben
Vehicles of Afterlife in (Some) Images and Words of the Warburg Library
Rebeka Vidrih
Triple Martyrdom at Notre Dame de Mouzon
Doron Bauer
Reused Roman Sarcophagi and the Emergence of Romanesque Sculpture in Northern Spain
Romana Rupiewicz
The Motion of Celestial Bodies in Medieval Iconography. Christian Assimilation of Ancient Cosmology
Fabio Tononi
Andrea Mantegna and the Iconography of Mourners. Aby Warburgs Notion of Pathosformeln and the Theory of Aesthetic Response
Barbara Baert
Afterlife Studies and the Occasio Grisaille in Mantua (School of Mantegna, 1495-1510)
Mauro Salis
When did Amphitrite Cross the Tyrrhenian Sea? Some Reflections on the Appearance of Grisaille, Myth and the Classical Renaissance Style in the Periphery of the Crown of Aragon
Stephanie Heremans
Fritz Saxl as Reader of Aby Warburgs Sassetti Essay
Simona Drăgan
Ancient Survivals, Ingenious Meanings. Iconographic Echoes and Symbols of Dantes Iphigenia in the Sienese Art of the Early Renaissance
Thodoris Koutsogiannis
Ancient Greek Figures in Renaissance Germany via Italy. Cyriacus of Anconas Drawings and Their Distorted Perception
Giacomo Montanari
Da Ciriaco a Sandro. Modelli culturali e figurativi dellAntica Grecia dai viaggi del Pizzecolli ai dipinti di Botticelli
Alessandra Galizzi Kroegel
From War Hero to Slave to Love. On the Reception of Achilles on Scyros in the Renaissance
Giuseppe Capriotti - Francesca Casamassima
Hermaphroditus and Iphis. Texts and Images from two Ovidian Myths to Visualize Sexual Ambiguity in the Early Modern Age
Lasse Hodne
The Afterlife of Greece. Warburgs Nietzschean Critique of Winckelmann
Laura Stagno
Roman History Themes for Andrea Dorias Palazzo del Principe
Filipa Araújo
Love is a fire that burns unseen. The Reception of Greek Erotic Representations in Alciatos Emblemata and Camoes
Jasenka Gudelj
Resemiotization of Eastern Adriatic Antiquities. Uses and Abuses of the Ancient Past
Antun Baće – Maja Zeman
Ancient Water-God in the Residences of Early Modern Dubrovnik
Agnieszka Skrodzka
Antique Inspirations in the Ideological Programmes of Artworks of King Stanisaw Augusts Patronage (1764-1795
Ylva Haidenthaller
Adapting Antiquity. References to Classical Literature on Early Modern Swedish Medals
Irena Kraševac
Classical Themes as Iconographic Motifs in Historical Allegorical Painting. Examples by Gustav Klimt in the Rijeka Municipal Theatre and Ivan Tiov at the University Library in Zagreb
Palma Karković Takalić
Maritime Parnassus and the Iconographic Program of the Main Faade of the Municipal Theatre of Rijeka
Claudio Zambianchi
Lost and Found: Archaeological Fragments and Contemporary Art
Rita Ladogana – Ciro Parodo – Marco Giuman
"The Infallible Sign of the Destiny". Reflections on the Iconography of the Myth of the Foundation of Rome in the Art of the Fascist Era
Roberta Minnucci
Heaps of Rags and Double Visions. The Interpretation of the Classical Venus in Arte Povera
Anthi-Danaé Spathoni
Idyllic, Pastoral and Abstract. Cy Twomblys Reinvented Arcadia
Karen von Veh
Classical Mythology as Satire. The Realities of a New South Africa in Diane Victors Birth of a Nation Series
Jarosław Janowski
Existence and Transience. The Ancient Idea of Number in Conceptual Art