Journal Annali di Scienze Religiose, vol. 13

Annali di Scienze Religiose 13 (2020)

Religious Traditions in the Face of the Crisis of the Liberal System: The Case of Islam // Special Issue for the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Religious Studies at the Catholic University of Milan

  • Pages: 532 p.
  • Size:156 x 234 mm
  • Illustrations:1 col., 7 tables b/w.
  • Language(s):Italian, English, French
  • Publication Year:2021

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-58718-9
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available
    • Contains contributions in Open Access


    Sezione monografica: Religious Traditions in the Face of the Crisis of the Liberal Stystem. The Case of Islam
    Introduction (Paolo Branca & Antonio Cuciniello)
    Relire Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age d'Albert Hourani: quelle pensée arabe et quel libéralisme? (Paolo Branca)
    The Challenges of Religious Visibility in the Liberal Public Space (Mohammed Ali Mostfa)
    Islām and Religious Plurality in South-East Asia. The Case of Muslim and Christian Dialogue in the Philippines (Paolo Nicelli)
    History Teaching and Reorientation of History in Kuwait (Michele Esposti Ongaro)
    Political Islām: from Reformism to Jihadism (Paolo Gonzaga)
    Perceptions of Islām in Italy: Interpreting the Muslim World in Some Italian Textbooks (Antonio Cuciniello)
    Migration and Reconciliation in the Twenty-First Century (Davide Tacchini)
    Présentation du Document sur la Fraternité humaine pour la paix mondiale et la coexistence commune (Khaled Akasheh)

    Sezione speciale: Theology and Religious Studies in the Euro-Mediterranean Context
    A Panel for the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Religious Studies at the Catholic University of Milan
    (e-version available in Gold Open Access)
    Foreword to the Panel. Theology and Religious Studies in the Euro-Mediterranean Context (Marco Rizzi)
    On the Transformation of Religion (Matthias Smalbrugge)
    Studying Religions in Jerusalem Today (Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony)
    The French Context (Rémi Gounelle)
    Theology and Religious Studies in the UK (Carol Harrison)
    Islamic Theology at German Universities. The Center for Islamic Theology at the University of Münster as an Example (Mouhanad Khorchide)
    La Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Settentrionale di Milano: cinquant'anni di servizio alla ricerca e alla formazione teologica (Angelo Maffeis)
    Change as Challenge and Asset. The Future of Public Theology and Religious Education in Europe - the German Example (Torsten Meireis)
    Theology in Russia. History of the Twentieth Century (Konstantin Polskov)

    Pensare il luogo degli studi delle religioni e della teologia nella contemporaneità (José Tolentino de Mendonça)

    Sezione miscellanea
    A Critical Analysis of the Use of the Verb ἀναγινώσκω in the Corpus Paulinum: A Reappraisal of the Reading Practice in Early Christianity (Stefano de Feo)
    L'ambassade prophétique de Cola di Rienzo à la cour de Charles IV (1350-1352). Un réexamen (Lucien Dabadie)
    Islām, Prophet, Hegira: Islamic Vocabulary in Goethe's Letters, Diaries and Autobiography (Francesca Bocca-Aldaqre)
    Dire il Concilio in Università Cattolica. Michele Pellegrino e gli interventi presso l'Università Cattolica di Milano all'indomani del Concilio Vaticano II (Angelo Bianchi)

    Note critiche: Luigi Franco Pizzolato, Praerogativa. Storia e suggestioni di una parola latina nel mondo antico
    Praerogativa tra mondo classico e cristiano (Marcello Marin)
    Il personaggio virgiliano di Iulo e la profezia del puer continentiae (Massimo Rivoltella)
    Bibliografia di Luigi F. Pizzolato. Un decennio di studi (2009-2019)

    Bibliografia ambrosiana 2017 (Paolo Bernardini)
    Bibliografia ambrosiana. Complementi 1994-2015 (Paolo Bernardini)
    Joachimite Bibliography 2015 (edited by Carlo Alessandro Bonifacio, translated by Lorenzo Braca)