In Monte Artium. Journal of the Royal Library of Belgium, 11, 2018
- Pages: 282 p.
- Size:216 x 280 mm
- Illustrations:201 col.
- Language(s):English, French, Dutch
- Publication Year:2019
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57842-2
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Bram Caers & Mark Visscher, The Illuminated Brabantsche yeesten Manuscripts IV 684 and IV 685 in the Royal Library of Belgium: An Unfinished Project of Brabantine Historiography. Description, List of Illustrations and Index of Persons Depicted
Astrid De Spiegelaere & Sophie Vandepontseele, The Acquisition of Publications at the Royal Library of Belgium: A Question of Long-Term Access and Preservation
Catherine Phillips, Between Madrid and Antwerp: The Life of Ignatius Loyola, Antwerp, 1610: Drawings from the Collection of Count Charles Cobenzl
Nathalie Roland & Michiel Verweij, Entre trésors et archives, la collection des Bollandistes à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
Claude Sorgeloos, « Leur confectionner une robe » : lettres et reliures de Pierre Legrain dans la collection Madame Louis Solvay
Fran Stroobants, Alexandrian Nummi in the Collection of the Coin Cabinet of the Royal Library of Belgium
Michiel Verweij, De handschriften uit het klooster Mariënhage in Eindhoven. Een overzicht
The Authors