Apocrypha 26/2015
- Pages: 398 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:17 b/w
- Language(s):French, English, Italian
- Publication Year:2016
- ISBN: 978-2-503-56583-5
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Charles D. Wright, 6 Ezra and The Apocalypse of Thomas with a previously unedited "interpolated" text of Thomas
Rossana Guglielmetti, Deux témoins inédits de la Visio Pauli
Emanuela Valeriani, Simbolismo ed escatologia nell’Apocalisse apocrifa di Giovanni: un confronto con l’Apocalisse canonica
Susan E. Myers, Antecedents of the Feminine Imagery of Spirit in the Acts of Thomas
Boris Paschke, Speaking Names in the Apocryphal Acts of John
Dan Batovici, Apocalyptic and metanoia in the Shepherd of Hermas
Christophe Guignard, La tradition grecque de la liste d’apôtres "Anonyme I" (BHG 153C), avec un appendice sur la liste BHG 152N
Alin Suciu, The Book of Bartholomew: A Coptic Apostolic Memoir
Alin Suciu, The Recovery of the Lost Fragment preserving the Title of the Coptic Book of Bartholomew. Edition and translation of Cornell University Library, Misc. Bd. MS. 683
Timo S. Paananen and Roger Viklund, An Eighteenth-Century Manuscript: Control of the Scribal Hand in Clement’s Letter to Theodore
Point sur les recherches récentes
Andrea Nicolotti, Un cas particulier d’apologétique appliquée: l’utilisation des apocryphes pour authentifier le Mandylion d’Édesse et le suaire de Turin
Bradley N. Rice, Chronique: An Account of the York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium Series: "Fakes, Forgeries, and Fictions: Writing Ancient and Modern Christian Apocrypha" (Held at Vanier College on September 24-26, 2015)
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