Book Series Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol. 274

Iohannes Hus


Helena Krmíčková (ed)

  • Pages: 350 p.
  • Size:155 x 245 mm
  • Illustrations:15 col.
  • Language(s):Latin, German
  • Publication Year:2017

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55469-3
  • Hardback
  • Available

Critical edition of Jan Hus's Latin Writings from Constance (1414-1415)


“(…) CCCM 274 represents a great leap forward for research on Hus and the Council of Constance and will be widely cited in the decades to come.” (Aaron Vanides, in Mediaevistik, 34, 2021, p. 499)


John Hus (ca. 1371–1414), the leading representative of the Bohemian reformation, was professor of the University of Prague. Under the influence of Wyclif, he sharply criticized the failings of the Church. Hus had conflicts with ecclesiastical and secular powers and planned to defend his teachings at the Council of Constance, where he was condemned and burnt at the stake. His death gave rise to the Hussite movement. He left a rich literary legacy.


This volume comprises treatises that were written in the last months of the life of the Bohemian reformer Jan Hus (ca. 1371–1415). These treatises were written shortly before his departure for Constance as well as during his stay and imprisonment there. While still in Bohemia, Hus wrote the following treatises for his anticipated appearance before the council: the Sermo de pace, dealing with his concept of peace and emphasizing the peace of God, the De sufficiencia legis Cristi on the superiority of the law of Christ, and the De fidei sue elucidacione explaining the foundations of his faith. Shortly before his imprisonment in Constance, he composed the De sanguine Cristi sub specie vini where he gave his opinion on the problem of the communion of the laity under both species. The treatises Deposiciones testium, Responsiones ad articulos Wiclef, and Responsiones ad articulos Palecz contain Hus’s answers to the accusations raised by the prosecution in Constance. For those who imprisoned him, Hus wrote seven shorter tracts of catechetical nature (De mandatis Domini, De peccato mortali, De cognicione et dileccione Dei, De tribus hostibus hominis, De penitencia, De matrimonio, De sacramento corporis et sanguinis Domini), generally referred to as the Constance tracts. His last treatise, the Responsum ultimum, brings Hus’s answers to the articles excerpted from his pivotal treatise De ecclesia.


Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De cognicione Dei — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De fidei sue elucidacione — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De mandatis Dei et de Oracione Dominica — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De matrimonio — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De peccato mortali — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De penitencia — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De sacramento corporis et saguinis Domini — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De sufficiencia legis Christi — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De sumpcione sangwinis Iesu Christi sub specie vini — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — De tribus hostibus hominis — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — Responsiones ad articulos Páleč — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — Responsiones ad articulos Wyclef — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — Responsiones ad deposiciones testium — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — Responsiones breves ad articulos ultimos — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.

Iohannes Huss (Jan Hus) — Sermo de pace — ed. H. Krmíčková et al.