Convivium 4.2 (2017)
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Bissera V. Pentcheva
Mirror, Inspiration, and the Making of Art in Byzantium
Alexei Lidov
The Catapetasma of Hagia Sophia and the Phenomenon of Byzantine Installations
Michitaka Suzuki
Icons in Japan Painted by Rin Yamashita: Anonymity and Materiality
Lucy O’Connor
Christ in Majesty on a Late Antique eulogia token in the British Museum
Vincent Debiais
Carolingian Verse Inscriptions and Images: From Aesthetics to Efficiency
Barbara Baert
Pentecost in the Codex Egberti (ca. 980) and the Benedictional of Robert of Jumièges (late tenth century). The Visual Medium and the Senses
Assaf Pinkus and Michal Ozeri
From Body to Icon: The Life of Sts Peter and Paul in the Murals of S. Piero a Grado (Pisa)
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