Journal of the Alamire Foundation 3/1 - 2011
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The Alamire Complex
Guest Editor: Zoe Saunders
Introduction - Zoe Saunders
Plus oultre, Pierre de la Rue, and the Emperor's Music - Honey Meconi
The Apotheosis of the Salve regina and the Purpose of Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Mus.ms. 34 - Aaron James
A Virgin, a Lineage, and an Elector: Ancestry and Imagery in Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibiothek Ms. 22 - Hannah Mowrey Clarke
Free Papers
Reading Hagiographic Motets: Christi nutu sublimato, Lamberte vir inclite, and the Legend of St. Lambert - Catherine Saucier
Research and Performance Practice Forum
Time Travel and its Discontents: Historical Performance, Historical Reconstruction, and Culture Tourism - Joshua Rifkin