Book Series Disciplina Monastica, vol. 10

Consuetudines et Regulae

Sources for Monastic Life in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

Carolyn Marino Malone, Clark Maines (eds)

  • Pages: 393 p.
  • Size:210 x 270 mm
  • Illustrations:49 b/w, 16 col., 1 tables b/w.
  • Language(s):English, French, Latin
  • Publication Year:2014

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55011-4
  • Paperback
  • Available
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-55126-5
  • E-book
  • Available


"Le présent volume, luxueusement présenté, s'insère harmonieusement dans la collection Consuetudines et Regulae, dont il est le 10e volume." (Daniel Misonne, dans: Revue bénédictine, 124, 2014, p. 373)

"Selon l'orientation de toute la collection Disciplina monastica, les différents articles du présent volume se caractérisent tous, à la fois par l'ouverture novatrice aux sciences modernes et par la fidélité exigeante à l'érudition traditionnelle." (René Bornert, dans: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, 109, 2014, 109, p. 995-996)

"Der Band vereint zu der Thematik eine Vielzahl fundierter Studien und man wird ihn mit Gewinn konsultieren können. Lobend hervorzuheben ist insbesondere die Verbindung von Textanalyse, Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte." (Stefan Burkhardt, in: Sehepunkte, 15.4, 2015)

"Some strengths include insight into the gradual development of the normative use of customaries, the reconstruction of liturgical processions based on a comparison of customaries and architectural remains, and several longitudinal studies of the inner life and organization of religious orders from the eleventh to the nineteenth centuries." (Charles Hilkin, in: Renaissance Quarterly 68, 4 [2015], p. 1447-1448)

"It is a volume that is worth reading and important for dealing with the normative basic patterns of the vita religiosa and that, a certain conceptual weakness notwithstanding, provides contributions of very high quality." (Mirko Breitenstein, in: The Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies 4 [2015], p. 194-195 and in: H-Soz-Kult, 23.07.2014, <>;.)

"Insgesamt liegt hier ein vor allem für französische Consuetudines informativer Band vor, der in der Verbindung unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen deutlich macht, wie schwierig es ist, die Geschichte dieser schriftlichen Denkmäler zu schreiben, der aber gleichwohl aufzeigt, welche Forschungsansätze weiterführend sein können." (Maria Hillebrandt, in: Francia-Recensio 2015/4, Mittelalter - Moyen Âge (500-1500),

"This volume combines successfully a variety of papers coming from specialists of different branches of the medieval and early-modern studies of the regular life. It also presents a strong contemporary trend in medieval studies that tries to combine written sources with data coming from other scholarly fields of research. It is a highly recommended reading for scholars interested in the history of the regular life, especially Cluniac monasticism, Augustinian canons, and Clarissan studies. It is also a profitable book for those interested in the history of everyday life and the history of medieval architecture." (Alfonso Hernández Rodríguez, in: The Catholic Historical Review 102.1, 2016, p. 125-126)

“(..) this collection is a valuable addition to the bibliography on religious movements in the Middle Ages and their written output.” (Steven Vanderputten, in Speculum, 91/3, 2016, p. 815)

« Voilà, en somme, un beau recueil, d'une présentation presque impeccable, dont on ne peut que saluer la parution, même plusieurs années après la tenue du colloque, pour l'approche nouvelle qu'il adopte et qui laisse entrevoir la richesse de travaux collectifs et interdisciplinaires concentrés sur un même objet d'étude. » (Jérémy Delmulle, in The Medieval Review, 2016.10.07)


This volume addresses the nature and quality of the lives of monks and canons in Western Europe during the middle ages and the early modern period.  Building on the collaborative spirit of recent work on medieval religion, it includes studies by historians of the religious orders, liturgy and ritual as well as archaeologists and architectural historians. Several studies combine the interpretation of texts, most particularly customaries and rules, with the analysis of architecture. The volume sheds new and exciting light on monastic daily life in all its dimensions from the liturgical and the quotidian to the spatial and architectural.

Carolyn Marino Malone is Professor of Art History at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (USA). She specializes in French Romanesque and English Gothic architecture and sculpture. Her most recent book is Saint-Bénigne de Dijon en l’an mil, "totius Galliae basilicis mirabiliorem": Interprétation politique, liturgique et théologique, Disciplina monastica (5) (Turnhout, 2009).

Clark Maines is Professor of Art History and Archaeology and Kenan Professor of the Humanities at Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut (USA).  He specializes in the study of monasticism from architecture in its structural and ritual dimensions to technology and monastic domains.  His most recent book, co-written with Sheila Bonde, is Saint-Jean-des-Vignes in Soissons, Approaches to its Architecture, Archaeology and History, Bibliotheca Victorina, XV (Turnhout, 2003).