Economies, Public Finances, and the Impact of Institutional Changes in Interregional Perspective
The Low Countries and Neighbouring German Territories (14th-17th centuries)
Remi van Schaik (ed)
- Pages: 172 p.
- Size:178 x 254 mm
- Illustrations:16 b/w
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54785-5
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54823-4
- E-book
- Available
Remi van Schaïk is senior lecturer in Medieval and Social and Economic History at the University of Groningen. His research interests cover financial, social and economic history of the northern and eastern Netherlands and neighbouring German territories.
The way and extent to which differences in economic systems and stages of development, and the impact of institutional changes affected the political economy and fiscal systems of regions, or vice versa, is the overall theme of this volume. One major problem is the non-convergence of economic regions, financial networks, political borders and fiscal systems. The question is whether a set of variables is supra-regional, interregional, regional, local or even a mix of all of these. These questions have broad implications for our understanding of urban society and the relations between town and countryside. This volume contains studies about economic, financial and political structures, and developments in different regions of the Low Countries and the Lower Rhine area in a regional comparative perspective during the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.
Remi van Schaik, Economies
Public Finances, and the Impact of Institutional Changes in Interregional Perspective: Some Introductory Remarks
Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Three Decades of Economic and Social History of the Medieval Low Countries: A Summary Survey
Marjolein ’t Hart
Coercion and Capital Revisited. Recent Trends in the Historiography of State-Formation
Industry and Trade
Tim Soens, Peter Stabel & Tineke Van de Walle
An Urbanised Countryside? A Regional Perspective on Rural Textile Production in the Flemish West-Quarter (1400‑1600)
Job Weststrate
The Impact of War on Lower Rhine Trade from the Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries
Finances and Politics
David Kusman & Jean-Luc Demeulemeester
Connecting Regional Capital Markets in the Late Medieval Low Countries: The Role of Piedmontese Bankers as Financial Pathfinders and Innovators in Brabant, Guelders, Flanders and Hainaut (c.1260‑1355)
Bart Lambert
The Political Side of the Coin: Italian Bankers and the Fiscal Battle between Princes and Cities in the Late Medieval Low Countries
Rudolf A.A. Bosch
The Impact of Financial Crises on the Management of Urban Fiscal Systems and Public Debt. The Case of the Duchy of Guelders, 1350‑1550
Jelle Haemers
A Financial Revolution in Flanders? Public Debt, Representative Institutions, and Political Centralisation in the County of Flanders during the 1480s
Wim Blockmans
Regional Interactions. Some Afterthoughts