Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context
Ann Buckley (ed)
- Pages: 359 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:15 b/w, 7 col., 14 tables b/w., 30 Music Examples, 1 Map
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2017
- ISBN: 978-2-503-53470-1
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-54020-7
- E-book
- Available
This book challenges existing notions of an idiosyncratic 'Celtic Rite' through a multidisciplinary, European perspective.
“This is a welcome collection both because it reminds us of an often forgotten aspect of hagiography – that devotion to the saints involved formal cultus – and in this respect it brings expert liturgical investigation to familiar texts and topics.” (Thomas O’ Loughlin, in Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies, 75, 2018, p. 91)
“While this volume may have its principal focus on the memory of Irish saints, it has much to offer to those engaged in studying the liturgical traditions of many parts of Latin Europe as a whole.” (Constant J. Mews, Parergon, 35/1, 2018, p. 152)
“Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context is a welcome contribution to musicological research on liturgy and music in medieval Ireland, taking us on an intriguing journey of discovery and enquiry (…) I would highly recommend this book to medieval musicologists and liturgists. This collection of essays marks a significant contribution to these areas of investigation.” (Anne Mannion, in The Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, 15, 2020, p. 103-107)
This book opens up discussion on the liturgical music of medieval Ireland by approaching it from a multidisciplinary, European perspective. In so doing, it challenges received notions of an idiosyncratic ‘Celtic Rite’, and of the prevailing view that no manuscripts with music notation have survived from the medieval Irish Church. This is due largely to a preoccupation by earlier scholars with pre-Norman Gaelic culture, to the neglect of wider networks of engagement between Ireland, Britain, and continental Europe. In adopting a more inclusive approach, a different view emerges which demonstrates the diversity and international connectedness of Irish ecclesiastical culture throughout the long Middle Ages, in both musico-liturgical and other respects.
The contributors represent a variety of specialisms, including musicology, liturgiology, palaeography, hagiology, theology, church history, Celtic studies, French studies, and Latin. From this rich range of perspectives they investigate the evidence for Irish musical and liturgical practices from the earliest surviving sources with chant texts to later manuscripts with music notation, as well as exploring the far-reaching cultural impact of the Irish church in medieval Europe through case studies of liturgical offices in honour of Irish saints, and of saints traditionally associated with Ireland in different parts of Europe.
Introduction — ANN BUCKLEY
Chant in the Early Irish Church
A Study of Early Irish Chant — MICHEL HUGLO†
Issues of Time and Place
The Genre of the Historia: its History and Historiography — BARBARA HAGGH-HUGLO
Locality in Cults of Saints: St Olav and Sta Sunniva — NILS HOLGER PETERSEN
Offices of the Saints
Continental Sources
Omnes sancti chori Hiberniae sanctorum orate pro nobis: Manuscript evidence for the Cult of Irish Saints in Medieval Europe — JEAN-MICHEL PICARD
Songs for the Peregrini: Proper Chants for Irish Saints in Continental Manuscripts — SARA G. CASEY
The Historia of St Fintan of Rheinau— BERNHARD HANGARTNER
Letetur Hybernia, jubilans Antverpia: The Chant and Cult of St Dympna — PIETER MANNAERTS
Insular Sources: Ireland
From Hymn to historia: The Veneration of Local Saints in the Early Medieval Irish Church— ANN BUCKLEY
An Office for St Patrick — SENAN FURLONG
A Divine Office Celebration for the Feast of St Canice at Kilkenny Cathedral — PATRICK BRANNON
Insular Sources: Scotland and Wales
Possible Irish Influences in the Office for St Kentigern, Patron Saint of Glasgow — BETTY I. KNOTT
Why St Andrew? Why not St Columba as Patron Saint of Scotland? — GRETA-MARY HAIR
Reconstructing First Vespers for the Feast of Saint Brendan, Abbot of Clonfert, from the Common Office of a Confessor Abbot, According to the Sarum Rite — CIARAN O'DRISCOLL
Shaping an ‘Indigenous’ Liturgy: the Case for Medieval Wales—SALLY HARPER
Liturgy: Theory and Practice
The Significance of the Liturgia horarium in the Nauigatio sancti Brendani in its Modelling of a Sacramental Christian Life — PATRICIA RUMSEY
The Use of the Eucharistic Chrismal in pre-Norman Ireland— NEIL XAVIER O’DONOGHUE
Celtic Mists: The Search for a Celtic Rite — LIAM TRACEY
Index of Manuscripts
General Index