The Latin Religious Orders in Medieval Greece, 1204-1500
Nickiphoros I. Tsougarakis
- Pages: 394 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:5 b/w
- Language(s):English, Latin
- Publication Year:2012
- ISBN: 978-2-503-53229-5
- Hardback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-57222-2
- E-book
- Available
"Obwohl Tsougarakis' Buch eher 'eng' gestrickt ist, schmälert dies jedoch nicht seinen Wert, der darin liegt, dass wir nun erstmals ein materialreiches und für interdisziplinäre Anschlussarbeit nützliches Dossier zur Gesamtgeschichte des lateinischen Religiosentums in Griechenland in der Hand halten." (Anne Müller, in: Sehepunkte 14 (2014), Nr. 3, 15.03.2014)
"Tsougarakis's book is a substantial contribution to the study of Greece after 1204, providing a useful catalog of the many churches, convents, and dependecies of the religious orders; more than that, however, it illuminates the richness and distinctiveness of the late medieval Aegean world. (...) The book brings to the attention of scholars a valuable body of archival material and presents it in a systematic, enlightening, and accessible manner." (Christopher H. MacEvitt, in: The Medieval Review, 14.03.02)
"This volume, packed with information, is a veritable compendium for students of Latin religious orders in the Greek East. (...) This monograph exhibits admirable historical spadework through which T. has built up the institutional histories of these orders in the Greek East. (...) Altogether, I think that this work will come to be a basic touchstone for many future scholars working on the relations between the Latin Church and Byzantium, who will deepen, challenge, and modify the basic framework which T. has provided." (Charles C. Yost, in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift, Bd. 107/2, 2014, p. 288-289)
"(...) l'ouvrage ici présenté obtient un excellent résultat." (U. Z., dans: Irénikon, 2012/4, p. 713-714)
« Voilà donc un outil précieux pour comprendre une partie des destinées de la Grèce médiévale (…)» (Valentina Nieri, dans Le Moyen Age, 1, 2017, p. 188)
The monastic and mendicant orders that were so central in the evolution of western religion and spirituality also played a pivotal role in the expansion of Latin Christendom after the eleventh century. In the thirteenth century, following the
capture of Constantinople by the armies of the Fourth Crusade, Cistercians, Benedictines, Franciscans, and Dominicans installed themselves in the former territories of the Byzantine Empire. Here, they had to adapt and compromise in order to survive, whilst Latins, Turks, and Greeks struggled to gain supremacy in the Aegean. They were also, however, faced with the challenge of attracting the devotion of the Greek Orthodox population, advancing the cause of church union, and promoting the interests of their Frankish, Venetian, and Genoese patrons. This volume follows the orders’ fortunes in medieval Greece, examines their involvement in the ecclesiastical and secular politics of the age, and looks at how the monks and friars pursued their spiritual, missionary, and Unionist goals in the frontier societies of Latin Romania.
Transliteration of Names
Chapter 1. The Latins in Greece
Chapter 2. Cistercians and Benedictines
Chapter 3. The Franciscans
Chapter 4. The Dominicans
Chapter 5. The (Italian) Crociferi
Chapter 6. The Augustinian Friars
Chapter 7. Other Orders
Chapter 8. The Western Religious Orders in Greece
Appendix I. Regular Bishops
Appendix II. Documents