Viator 40, No. 1 (2009)
Volume 40, No. 1 (2009)
- Pages: 410 p.
- Size:175 x 255 mm
- Illustrations:19 b/w
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2009
- ISBN: 978-2-503-53084-0
- Hardback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
Charlene M. Eska, 'Varieties of Early Irish Legal Literature and the Cáin Lánamna Fragments';
C. Stephen Jaeger, 'Philosophy, ca. 950–ca. 1050';
Atria A. Larson, 'Bestowing Pardon and Favor: Emperor Henry III’s Pardons in Context';
Karen Bollermann and Cary J. Nederman, 'John of Salisbury’s Second Letter Collection in Later Medieval England: unexamined Fragments from Huntington Library HM 128';
Stephen Hanaphy, 'Ovidian Exile in the Letters of Peter of Blois ca. 1135–1212';
Erik Kwakkel, 'Behind the Scenes of a Revision: Michael Scot and the Oldest Manuscript of His Abbreviatio Avicenne';
Laurence W. Marvin, 'The White and Black Confraternities of Toulouse and the Albigensian Crusade, 1210–1211';
Declan Lawell, 'Ne de ineffabili penitus taceamus: Aspects of the Specialized Vocabulary of the Writings of Thomas Gallus';
Michael Hammer, 'De-Centering the Narratives and Privileging Proverbs: Two Early Modern Readings of the Conde Lucanor';
Antonio García Espada, 'Marco Polo, Odorico of Pordenone, the Crusades, and the Role of the Vernacular in the First Descriptions of the Indies';
Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, 'Philippe de Mézière’s Life of Saint Pierre de Thomas at the Crossroads of Late Medieval Hagiography and Crusading Ideology';
Mitzi Kirkland-Ives, 'Alternate Routes: Variation in Early Modern Stational Devotions';
Nancy Vine Durling, 'British Library MS Harley 2253: A New Reading of the Passion Lyrics in Their Manuscript Context';
Andrew Galloway, 'The Economy of Need in Late Medieval English Literature';
Dana Wessell Lightfoot, 'The Projects of Marriage: Spousal Choice, Dowries, and Domestic Service in Early Fifteenth-Century Valencia';
Jennifer Kolpacoff Deane, 'The Auffahrtabend Prophecy and Henry of Langenstein: German Adaptation and Transmission of the "Visio fratris Johannis"';
Mary Raschko, 'Common Ground for Contrasting Ideologies: The Texts and Contexts of A Schort Reule of Lif'