Viator 46, No. 1 (2015)
- Pages: 383 p.
- Size:178 x 254 mm
- Illustrations:12 b/w
- Language(s):English, French
- Publication Year:2015
- ISBN: 978-2-503-55404-4
- Hardback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Jacob Riyeff, Homo contemplans: The Order of the World, Gregorian Contemplative Anthropology, and Old English Books
William E. Bolton, "We ne motan deman ymbe þæt": Clerical Judgment in Ælfric of Eynsham's Lives of Saints Swithun, Edmund, and Æthelwold
Zbigniew Dalewski, Family Business: Dynastic Power in Central Europe in the Earliers Middle Ages
Christopher D. Fletcher, Rhetoric, Reform, and Christian Eloquence: THe Letter Form and Religious Thought of Peter Damian
Nicole Marafioti, Hagiography and History in the Icelandic Saga of Edward the Confessor
Anne E. Bailey, Women Pilgrims and Their Travelling Companions in Twelfth-Century England
Cathleen A. Fleck, The Luxury Riccardiana Psalter in the Thirteenth Century: A Nun's Prayerbook?
Brooke Hunter, Boethian Humor and the Pseudo-Boethian De disciplina scolarium
Christopher Crocker, Fear and loathing in Landeyjar: Hegelian Tragedy in Saga Iceland
Peter W. Sposato, Reforming the Chivalric Elite in Thirteenth-Century Florence: The Evidence of Brunetto Latini's Il Tesoretto
Abigail Agresta, The Doctor and the Notary: A Latinate Jewish Will from Fourteenth-Century Catalonia
Jonathan Stavsky, As the Lily among Thorns: Daniel 13 in the Writings of John Wyclif and His Followers
Hester Schadee, The First Vernacular Caesar: Pier Candido Decembrio's Translation for Inigo d'Avalos with Editions and Translations of Both Prologues
Sandra Toffolo, Cities Dominated by Lions: The Fifteenth-century Venetian Mainland State Depicted by Inhabitants of the Subject Cities
Aisling Byrne and Victoria Flood, The Romance of the Stanleys: Regional and National Imaginings in the Percy Folio
Giuliano Mori, Blending Theology with Science: Thomas Browne's Pseudodoxia Epidemica and the Tradition of Vulgar Errors