Richard Sharpe, Anselm as Author – Sven Meeder,
The Liber ex lege Moysi: Notes and Text –
A.G. Rigg, Adam of Barking: Work in Progress – Frank
Coulson, Addenda and Corrigenda to Incipitarium Ovidianum
(II) – James McCune, The Sermons on the Virtues
and Vices for Lay Potentates in the Carolingian Sermonary
of Salzburg – Constant J. Mews, Discussing Love:
The Epistolae duorum amantium and Abelard’s Sic
et Non – Rory Naismith Real and Metaphorical Libraries in
Virgil the Grammarian’s Epitomae and Epistolae
– Westley Follett, Archangelum mirum magnum: an
Hiberno-Latin Poem Attributed to Máel Rúain of