Book Series Corpus Christianorum Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta, vol. 4.1-2


The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches

From Constantinople 861 to Moscow 2000

Alberto Melloni, Davide Dainese (eds)

  • Pages:2 vols, 1096 p.
  • Size:155 x 245 mm
  • Language(s):English, Greek, Slavonic
  • Publication Year:2017

  • ISBN: 978-2-503-52529-7
  • Hardback
  • Available


“Si può (...) affermare, in conclusione, che questo IV volume sui concili delle chiese ortodosse non solo affianca degnamente gli altri già eccellenti volumi della serie dei COGD, ma offre un prezioso strumento di consultazione che gli studiosi, specialisti e non, terranno a lungo a portata di mano.” (Cristiano Diddi, in Europa Orientalis, 36, 2017, p. 508)

“The COGD series is an impressive enterprise (…) In summary: these collections are very useful, and are generally very well done. It goes without saying that anyone who wishes to study these Councils must take account of a great deal of material outside the decrees themselves.” (Bengt Alexanderson, in Augustinianum, 58/1, 2018, p. 265-266)

“Der Leser und Benutzer dieses dreibändigen Werkes von 1450 Seiten aus dem Brepols Verlag hält einerseits eine beeindruckende Reihe von Konzilstexten der Orthodoxie,  unterteilt nach Konstantinopler und Moskauer Konzilen, in Händen. (...) Die Auswahl will andererseits nicht das letzte Wort sein, die Ausgabe ist ein Anfang (...). Die drei Bände wollen also als instrumentum laboris verstanden  werden, wofür sie sicher hilfreich sind." (Th. Hainthaler, in Theologie und Philosophie, 95, 2020, p. 137)

"Die systematische Angabe der verwendeten Quellen der Textausgaben (Handschriften, Editionen), die teilweise umfassenden kritischen Apparaten, die Bereitstellung der einschlägigen Bibliographie sowie die wissenschaftlichen Einleitungen zu den jeweiligen Konzilstexten – all dies ist äußerst hilfreiches und wertvolles Werkzeug für die weitere Beschäftigung mit der orthodoxen Konzilsgeschichte. Dies kann nur lobend hervorgehoben werden, da somit weitere grundlegende Texte orthodoxer Konziliarität einer breiten akademischen Gemeinschaft bereitgestellt werden." (Manolis Ulbricht, in Annales Historiae Conciliorum, 50/1, 2020, p. 210-214)


The two tomes of this volume comprise the critical edition – sometimes the very first critical edition – of the Councils of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, namely those sharing the profession of faith defined in the first seven Ecumenical Councils (COGD 1). Among them one may find the Protodeutera (861), the Council of Constantinople of 879, the Tomos Unionis (920), the Local Synods of Constantinople against the Syro-Jacobites (1030) and against John Italos (1082), the Councils on ‘My Father is greater than me’ (1166), on the Filioque (1285) and on Palamas (1341-1351), the Synod of 1484, annulling the so-called union of Florence (ed. COGD 2), the Synods about Lucaris, the Panorthodox Synods of Jerusalem (1672) and Constantinople (1872), the Local Synods of Constantinople (1691 and 1755), and additional materials, like the Patriarchal decision of annulment of the Excommunications between Rome and Constantinople (paralleled in COGD 3).

It also includes the first publication of five synodika of Orthodoxy: Georgian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian and the Greek synodikon with a new edition of the oldest surviving version of the latter (eleventh century), which was the basis for the subsequent translations.

Moreover, the volume represents the Conciliar tradition of the Patriarchate of Moscow and of all Russias, including the Stoglav (1551), and the Councils of Moscow of 1666/7 and 1917/8 and more recent Councils of the 20th century. 

The first printed edition of the June 2016 Council of Crete is published as a separate, third tome.



Forword – Editor’s Note – List of Abbreviations


861 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

879-80 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – P. Gemeinhardt

920 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – E. Lamberz

1030 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

1082 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

1166 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – R. Saccenti

1285 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – M. Stavrou

1341 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

1347 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

1351 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

1484 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – S. Paschalidis

1638 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – N. Papaïliaki

1642 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – S. Paschalidis

1672 Concilium Hierosolymitanum – V. Kontouma / S. Garnier

1691 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – F. Lauritzen

1755-6 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – V. Kontouma

1872 Concilium Constantinopolitanum – M. Stavrou


Synodicum orthodoxiae Alexii Studitae – F. Lauritzen

Synodicum georgicum – B. Martin-Hisard

Synodicum bulgaricum – A. M. Totomanova

Synodicum serbicum – T. Subotin Golubović

Synodicum russicum – K. A. Maksimovič



Foreword – A. Melloni

Concilia Ecclesiae orthodoxae russiae seu patriarchatus Moscoviae et omnium Russiarum

Introduction by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk

1551 Concilium Moscoviense – E. Emčenko

1666-7 Concilium Moscoviense – E. V. Beljakova

1917-8 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev

1948 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev

1971 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev

1988 Concilium Moscoviense – A. Mainardi

2000 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev

Indices: Index Locorum S. Scripturae – Index Fontium