Apocrypha 14/2003
- Pages: 316 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):French, English, German
- Publication Year:2004
- ISBN: 978-2-503-52263-0
- Paperback
- Out of Print
- E-journal
- Available
S. Emmel, Preliminary Reedition and Translation of the Gospel of the Savior: New Light on the Strasbourg Coptic Gospel and the Stauros Text from Nubia
R. Goulet, Dosithée de Cilicie
T. Kraus, Die griechische Petrus-Apokalypse und ihre Relation zu ausgewählten Überlieferungsträgers apokalyptischer Stoffe
P. Piovanelli, Pre- and Post-canonical Passion Stories. Insights into the Development of Christian Discourse on the Death of Jesus
T. Chartrand - Burke, The Greek Manuscript Tradition of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas
L. Paulissen, Jésus à l'école. L'enseignement dans l' Evangile de l'Enfance selon Thomas
G. Kreahling Mc Kay, Christ Polymorphism in Jerusalem, Taphou 14: An Examination of Text and Image
A. Magri, L'esegesi della setta offitica dei Perati. Analisi di Ippolito, Haer. V, 16
F. Jullien, Des 'Frères du Seigneur' sur le siège primatial de Perse
J.P. Pettorelli, Essai sur la structure primitive de la Vie d'Adam et Eve
J. Tromp, The Role of Omissions in the History of the Literary Development of the Greek Life of Adam abd Eve
C. Zamagni, Etude critique: Verus Israel. Nuove prospettive sul giudeocristianesimo