Functions and Decorations: Art and Ritual at the Vatican Palace in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
T. Weddigen, S. De Blaauw, B. Kempers (eds)
- Pages: 242 p.
- Size:240 x 340 mm
- Illustrations:98 b/w
- Language(s):English, German, Italian
- Publication Year:2004
- ISBN: 978-2-503-52171-8
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-53719-1
- E-book
- Available
This volume is a collection of new essays by art historians from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United States dedicated to shedding new light on the complex historical interrelationship between functions and decorations within architectural settings. It concentrates on the historical context of works of art, that is their ritual embedding in liturgy, ceremony and habit. The authors thereby focus on a particularly rewarding object, namely the Vatican Palace as it appeared between the 13th and the 16th century. The contributions consider various aspects: the Vatican's medieval textile decorations, the impact of ceremonial concerns on architectural form, the relationship between music and ceremony, Pinturicchio's and Raphael's wall paintings in the papal apartments, the decorations of the Cappella Paolina and the Sala Regia, the history of the Vatican Library, and also methodological questions concerning the history of functions of art.
A. MONCIATTI, Funzione e decorazione dell'architettura nel Palazzo di Niccolò III Orsini
B. SCHIMMELPFENNIG, Der Einfluss des avignonesischen Zeremoniells auf den Vatikanpalast seit Nikolaus V
L. L. RAIMOND-WAARTS, The so-called Bagno di Alessandro VI
A. ROTH, 'Musica in capella papae' - Osservazioni su musica e autorappresentazione papale verso la fine del Quattrocento
S. POESCHEL, Appartamento Borgia - Die neuen Dekorationen der camerae secretae Alexanders VI
B. KEMPERS, Ritual and its images - Paris de Grassis and Raphael's painted 'signatures' in the Vatican Stanze
M. ROHLMANN, Raffaels 'Bilderzeremoniell' im Vatikanpalast - Grenzüberschreitungen in der Sixtinischen Kapelle und den Stanzen
H. D. FERNANDEZ, A Chapel for Cardinal Bibbiena
P. HEMMER, Michelangelos Fresken in der Cappella Paolina und das 'Donum Iustificationis'
J. L. DE JONG, The painted decoration of the Sala Regia in the Vatican - intention and reception
K. ZOLLIKOFER, 'Mettere la libreria in luoco più opportuno et adornarlo' - Ein Projekt für die Vatikanische Bibliothek aus der Zeit Gregors XIII
T. WEDDIGEN, Zur Funktionsgeschichte der Kunst