Latin Culture in the Eleventh Century
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Medieval Latin Studies Cambridge, 9-12 September 1998
M.W. Herren, Christopher J. McDonough, R.G. Arthur (eds)
- Pages:2 vols, 1039 p.
- Size:160 x 250 mm
- Language(s):English, Latin
- Publication Year:2002
- ISBN: 978-2-503-51255-6
- Paperback
- Available
- ISBN: 978-2-503-53828-0
- E-book
- Available
The collection embraces a wide range of fields related to Medieval Latin, including poetry, hymnology, music, theology and philosophy, historiography, and inscriptions, in addition to Latin linguistics and metrics. Contributions are drawn from leading scholars from many European countries as well as from North America and Australia. The volume should prove invaluable to all students of this period.
Latin Culture in the Eleventh Century is a collection of approximately sixty papers presented at the Third International Conference on Medieval Latin Studies held at the University of Cambridge in September 1998. The collection embraces a wide range of fields related to Medieval Latin, including poetry, hymnology, music, theology and philosophy, historiography, and inscriptions, in addition to Latin linguistics and metrics. Contributions are drawn from leading scholars from many European countries as well as from North America and Australia. The volume should prove invaluable to all students of this period.
P. Dronke; Wecome
W. Berschin; Opening Remarks
A. Adamska; Les débuts de la littérature latine dans les pays de l'Europe du Centre-Est
P. F. Alberto; Eugenius of Toledo's poetry in Leon and Asturias in the eleventh century
J. M. Andrade; Textos Penitenciales y Penitencia en el Nordeste de la Peninsula Ibérica
G. T. Beech; Narrative Structures and Techniques in the Conventum of Aquitaine ca. 1030
G. Björkvall and A. Haug; Sequence and Versus : On the History of Rhythmical Poetry in the Eleventh Century
P. Bourgain; La composition et l'équilibre de la phrase narrative au onzième siècle
E. Castro; La Tipología Verbal en las Secuencias Litúrgicas y Profanas
M. Chibnall; The Latin of William of Poitiers
M. L. Colker; Fulcoius of Beauvais, Poet and Propagandist
G. Cremascoli; The Theological Vocabulary of Papias' Elementarium
E. D'Angelo; Prolegomena to a New Edition of Lupus Protospatharius's "Annales"
H. de Carlos; La Materia de Troya en Godofredo de Reims
J. M. Díaz de Bustamante; The Kidnapping of Vergil
F. Dolbeau; Passion et résurrection du Christ, selon Gerbert, abbé de Saint-Wandrille († 1089)
D. N. Dumville; Images of the Viking in Eleventh-Century Latin Literature
B. S. Eastwood; Invention and Reform in Latin Planetary Astronomy
B. Ebersberger; Bernhard Bischoff's Catalogue of Ninth-Century Continental Manuscripts
J. M. Escolà; El latín documental en la Cataluña del siglo XI
G. R. Evans; Sententia
M. C. Ferrari; From Pilgrim's Guide to Living Relic: Symeon of Trier and his Biographer Eberwin
J. Martínez Gázquez; Poesía epigráfica en Cataluña en el siglo XI
H. Gneuss; A Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts
J. Gómez Pallarès; Eleventh Century Carmina Latina Epigraphica: The Reception of an Old Tradition
J. Grier; Liturgy and Rhetoric in the Service of Fraud: Adémar de Chabannes and the Apostolicity of Saint Martial
Th. Haye; Christliche und pagane Dichtung bei Fulcoius von Beauvais
A. Holdenreid; The Bedan Recension of the Sibylla Tiburtina: New Manuscript Evidence and its Implications
G. Iversen; "Verba canendi" in Tropes and Sequences
R. M. Jacobsson; The Eleventh Century Troper from the Abbey of St. Magloire in Paris, Paris Bibliothèque Nationale de France MS lat. 13252, with Special Regard to its unique Proper Tropes
D. M. Kratz; Monsters and Monstruous Visions: The Art of Rodulfus Glaber's Historiarum Libri Quinque
B. Kürbis; Neues über den Liber precum Gertrudae ducissae
M. Lapidge and J. Mann; Reconstructing the Anglo-Latin Aesop: The Literary Tradition of the "Hexametrical Romulus"
M. Lawo; Hugo von Flavigny und die lateinische Dichtkunst
H. Leithe-Jasper; Beobachtungen zur Arbeitsweise Ekkeharts IV. in seinen Versus ad picturas domus domini Mogontina
F. Losek; "Et bellum inire sunt coacti": The Great Pilgrimage of 1065
J. Marenbon; Some Semantic Problems in Anselm's De grammatico
Ch. J. McDonough; Classical Latin Satire and the Poets of Northern France: Baudri de Bourgueil; Serlo of Bayeux, and Warner of Rouen
M. Meckler; Wolves and Saracens in Odilo's Life of Mayeul
C. J. Mews; Bruno of Rheims and Roscelin of Compiegne on the Psalms
F. Mosetti Casaretto; Una sfida al lettore: i "Versus de Unibove"
Ch. Mundhenk; "De ignotis enim quis iudicare possit?": Zu Bernhards von Utrecht Commentum in Theodolum
V. Orazi; La Nota Emilianensis e l'evoluzione dell'epica ispanica
G. Orlandi; The Hexameter in the Aetas Horatiana
P. Orth; Papstgeschichte im 11. Jahrhundert: Fortsetzung, Bearbeitung und Gebrauch der Liber Pontificalis
G. Philippart and M. Trigalet; L'hagiographie latine du XIe siècle dans la longue durée: Données statistiques sur la production littéraire et sur l'édition médiévale
S. Pittaluga; Marbodo e Teofilo
M. Pörnbacher; Weitere Überlegungen zu Carmen Cantabrigiense
F. Rädle; Calcidius and Paulus begründen ein Vermächtnis : Zu Bernwards Dotationsurkunde für St. Michael in Hildesheim
O. Schönbeck; Peter Damian and the Rhetoric of an Ascetic
K. Smolak; Beobachtungen zu den Rom-Elegien Hildeberts von Lavardin
J. Stamawski; Les plus anciens chansons latines concernant saint Adalbert
D. Starostine; Hostage by Agreement