Journal Romance Philology, vol. 53/1

Romance Philology 53, 1 (Fall 1999) (1999-2000)

  • Pages: 258 p.
  • Size:150 x 230 mm
  • Language(s):English
  • Publication Year:2000

Out of Print
  • ISBN: 978-2-503-51042-2
  • Paperback
  • Out of Print
    • E-journal
    • Available


    Special Issue
    Documenting the Colonial Experience, with Special Regard to Spanish in the American Southwest

    Introduction -- BARBARA DE MARCO


    "Dichosas Muertes": Frontier Martyrdom in Sixteenth-Century New Mexico and Florida -- MAUREEN AHERN
    Scripta nuda tenemus: Newly Discovered Manuscripts on the Exploration of New Spain -- VINCENT BARLETTA & GEORGE GREENIA
    The Historical Basis for Dialect Variation in New Mexican Spanish -- GARLAND BILLS & NEDDY VIGIL
    Hispanisms in Southwest Indian Languages -- WILLIAM BRIGHT
    Fray Marcos de Niza, Relación (edition and commentary) -- JERRY R. CRADDOCK
    Voices from the Archives: Testimony of the Pueblo Indians in Documents of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt -- BARBARA DE MARCO
    Criterio filológico y edición de textos indianos: sobre documentos de la Nueva España -- JUAN ANTONIO FRAGO GRACÍA
    Indios y jueces ante un proceso criminal especial del siglo XVIII -- JOSÉ MARÍA GARCÍA MARÍN
    A Brief Guide to Archival Collections -- RICK HENDRICKS
    "Documentary Relations of the Southwest": A Description -- CHARLES POLZER, S.J.
    In the Shadow of the Saints: Jesuit Missionaries and Their New World Narratives -- DANIEL T. REFF
    The Repertorium Columbianum, 1986-1998 -- GEOFFREY SYMCOX
    Compositional Techniques of the alabados of New Mexico: Negotiating Text and Oral Performance -- THOMAS J. STEELE & RANDY LUMPP

    Review Article

    Historiografía del español americano en la primera época colonial (1492-1620 ca.). [Review of Jens Lüdtke, ed., El español de América en el siglo XVI. Actas del Simposio del Instituto Ibero-Americano de Berlin, 23 y 24 de abril de 1992] -- MARTIN DIETRICH GLESSGEN