Contents of volume 1:
Peter Meredith, 'Theatrical larks or pious practices: playing for souls in the Middle Ages'; John C. Coldewey, 'Thrice-told tales: renegotiating early English drama'; Peter Thomson, 'From Chanticlere to Richard Tarlton: the cockerel and the histriones'; Enrico Giaccherini, 'Mak, Hermes and the Satyrs'; Johann Drumbl, 'Stage and players in the early Middle Ages'; Nerida Newbigin, 'Agata, Apollonia and other martyred virgins: did Florentines really see these plays performed?'; Stefania d'Agata d'Ottavi, 'The "quaestiones disputatae": an aspect of medieval theatre?'; Alessandro Arcangeli, 'Carnival in medieval sermons'; Elsa Strietman, 'The Rhetoricians and the Reformation'; Jan Hendrik Meter, 'Harmony and disharmony in a court drama of the Netherlands: "Vanden Winter ende vanden Somer"'; John McGavin, 'Drama in sixteenth-century Haddington'; Sydney Higgins, 'Creating the creation: The staging of the Cornish medieval play "Gwyrans an Bys", or "The Creation of the World"; John Marshall, 'O 3e soverens that sytt and 3e brothern that stonde ryght wppe: addressing the audience of "Mankind"'; Roberta Mullina, '"Fulgens and Lucres": a mirror held up to stage and society'; Lesley Wade Soule, 'Performing the mysteries: demystification, story-telling and over-acting like the devil'; Darryll Grantley, 'To swell a progress: retainers, subordinates and the ceremonialisation of secular power in medieval scriptural and hagiographical drama'.