Jan van Ruusbroec
Opera omnia V
Van den geesteliken tabernakel. In tabernaculum foederis commentaria
T. Mertens (ed)
- Pages: 672 p.
- Size:155 x 245 mm
- Language(s):Middle Dutch, Latin, English
- Publication Year:2006
- ISBN: 978-2-503-04051-6
- Hardback
- Available
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Ruusbroec puts the Netherlands on the map of worldliterature. His greatness as a mystic author has been acknowledged internationally. His work contains eleven treatises and eight letters. There have been two editions of his work so far: one by J.-B. David (1858-1868) and one by the Ruusbroecgenootschap (1932-1934). Neither of these editions meets the modern standards of a critical edition. Therefore a new edition was urgently needed. Of the ten volumes planned in this new edition, volumes five and six are the last to appear. The treatise Van den geesteliken tabernakel occupies a special place among Ruusbroec's works. It is not only the most extensive by far, but also the most complex on account of its intricate allegorical structure. Moreover, nowhere else is he so explicit about some points of his mystical doctrine. The Middle Dutch text is based on a critical study of all manuscripts. Besides the Middle Dutch text the edition contains a new American-English translation and the Latin translation by L. Surius O.Carth. (1552). The edition of the Middle Dutch text is critically reconstructive. The text is accompanied by a variant apparatus containing the variant readings of a limited number of selected manuscripts, paleographic annotations, an indication of the Scripture citations and of other sources and a textcritical commentary. The introduction sketches the historical circumstances in which the text originated and outlines its contents. Finally it gives information about the editorial principles and about the manuscripts which contain the text in question.
Ruusbroec, Jan van (Iohannes Rusbrochius) — Commentaria in tabernaculum foederis (sec. translationem Latinam Laurentii Surii): pars prima — ed. Th. Mertens, G. de Baere
Ruusbroec, Jan van (Iohannes Rusbrochius) — Van den geesteliken tabernakel ('Commentaria in tabernaculum foederis'): pars prima — ed. Th. Mertens, G. de Baere