«C’est ainsi la vie d’une œuvre d’art que nous pouvons saisir au-delà des intentions de son auteur, en prise avec les changements culturels profonds qui affectent le sens et l’interprétation et qui permettent la mobilisation continue d’une création.» (Jean Balsamo & Deborah Knop, dans le Bulletin de Liaison de la Société Française d’Etude du Seizième Siècle, 83, 2016, p. 44)
This study examines medieval Christian views of non-Christians and
their changing political and theological significance as revealed
in late-medieval and early-modern visual culture. Taking as her
point of departure Hieronymus Bosch’s famous
Epiphany triptych housed in the Prado Museum in Madrid,
the author analyzes how representations of Jews, Saracens (later
Turks), ‘Ethiopians’, and Mongols for centuries shaped
western Christian attitudes towards salvation history, contemporary
political conflicts, and the declining status of the Roman Church.
She argues that Bosch’s innovative pictorial warning of the
coming of Antichrist and the threat posed by non-Christians gained
its power and authority through intervisual references to the
medieval past. Before and after Bosch, imaginative constructions
that identified Jews and Turks with Gog and Magog, or the Pope with
Antichrist, drew upon a long-established range of artistic and
rhetorical strategies that artists and authors reconfigured as
changing political circumstances demanded. Painted at a pivotal
moment on the eve of the Reformation, the Prado Epiphany
is a compelling lens through which to look backwards to the Middle
Ages, and forwards to Martin Luther and the ideological
significance of escalating Christian/non-Christian conflicts in the
formation of the new Protestant church.