Tributes to Jean Michel Massing: Towards a Global Art History
Mark Stocker, Phillip G. Lindley (eds)
- Pages: 374 p.
- Size:210 x 275 mm
- Illustrations:183 b/w, 22 col.
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2016
- ISBN: 978-1-909400-38-2
- Hardback
- Available
This book is a Festschrift to honour Jean Michel Massing, Professor of the History of Art at the University of Cambridge, on his retirement and contains essays from 21 of his colleagues and former students.
"Tributes goes far beyond the remit of a Festschrift by delivering significant contributions across many fields." (Elizabeth Savage, in: The Burlington Magazine, January 2018, CLX, p. 74)
An indispensable study for all admirers of Jean Michel Massing’s work, this publication includes essays reflecting some of the many fields of research that he has explored throughout his academic career. Twenty-one of Professor Massing’s colleagues and former students have contributed to this volume on the occasion of his retirement as Professor of Art at the University of Cambridge. The global aspect of Jean Michel Massing’s oeuvre forms the binding element between the various topics covered in this collection, paying homage to the interdisciplinary nature of his approach to the field of art history. Defying strictly linear, spatio-temporal trajectories, this volume is an ongoing conversation with Professor Massing, ambitiously taking his brilliant work as the inspiration and basis for the further development of a global history of art.
Phillip Lindley, Introduction,
Barry Bergdoll, Memento mori or Eternal Modernism? The Bauhaus at MoMA, 1938
Susanna Berger, Philander Colutius and the Visualisation of Natural Philosophy
Roger Bowdler, Stefano della Bella in Shoreditch: the monument of Elizabeth Benson
Jerome Feldman, Transgressions in the House of the Chief: Hilimondregeraya village in South Nias Indonesia
Victoria George, Calvin in Mondrian’s Colour Theory
Meredith Hale, The Production of History: Famiano Strada’s De Bello Belgico
Aleksandra Koutny Jones, Preaching the Dance of Death: The Reverend Marcin Krajewski’s Cemetery Chapel at Zambrów
Berthold Kress, The Block-book Biblia Pauperum as a Source for Printed Borders in France, Germany and England
Phillip Lindley, The Poetics of the Tudor Beast
Elizabeth Mc Grath, Ernest van Veen and the “Black But Beautiful” bride
Robin Middleton, A Cautionary Tale: The History of Eighteenth-Century Architecture in France
Jennifer Montagu, The After-Life of Some Models by Alessando Algardi
Temi Odumosu, Rude Encounters: The “Jolly Nigger Bank” as a Visual Problem from America to Denmark
Greg Rubinstein, Abraham Mathijs, Whale-Fisherman: Author of the First True Topographical Drawing of North America?
Charles Saumarez Smith, The Rubens at King’s
Giancarlo M.G. Scoditti, An Ethnographical Divertissement on Tribal Art and Picasso’s First Cubism
Aya Soika, The Sale of Emil Nolde’s New Guinea Watercolours to the German Imperial Colonial Office
Mark Stocker, Maori, Modernism and Monumentality: Molly Macalister’s Maori Warrior
Paul Taylor, ‘Mass’ and ‘Massing’ from Karel van Mander to Roger Fry
Nicholas Tromans, “The Elements”: A Fresco Cycle by George Frederic Watts
Jutta Vinzent, Austria in Die Zeitung: The Instrumentalisation of Émigré Newspapers during World War Two and the Subversive Power of Cartoons.