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Studies on Philosophy, Intellectual History, Arts, Sciences


Editors: Manuela Sanna Luisa Simonutti
Publishing Manager: Jirki Thibaut
View online content List of Publications

ISSN 3041-6043

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by an external specialist (i.c. appointed by the Board)

Europe, Early modern, Modern Periods (XVI-XX c.), Mediterranean basin, Philosophy, History of Philosophy, History/philosophy of Arts, Intellectual History, History of Science, Epistemology, Aesthetics, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Political Philosophy, World History, Global History, Transnational History

Accepted Language(s):
English, French, Italian, Spanish


Studies on Philosophy, Intellectual History, Arts, Sciences is set up to provide in-depth coverage of the cultural meshing of philosophical, historic, scientific, and artistic knowledge, and brings to the fore novel historical and critical readings and interpretations of the best in the intellectual production of Europe and the Mediterranean basin. It discusses recent research topics that concern the centre-stage of philosophical debate, and investigate new trends in philosophy, intellectual history, sciences, and arts from the classical, medieval, and modern periods through to contemporary interdisciplinary dialogue. As such, the series offers a space for dialogue between philosophers, scientists, historians, writers, and artists.

The series welcomes contributions addressing the principles and domains of cutting-edge research and novel approaches to philosophical issues, as well as original research into the history of the methods, ideas, and tools that constitute the genealogy of our current domains in philosphy, intellectual history, science, the philosophical and historical foundations of science, the arts and political and religious thought.


    Nadezhda Alexandrova, Sofia University, Bulgaria
    Simon Ditchfield, University of York, UK
    Daniel Garber, Princeton University, USA
    Gianluca Garelli, Università degli studi di Firenze, Italy
    Daniela Hacke, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
    Montserrat Herrero, Universidad de Navarra, Spain
    Pierre-François Moreau, École Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
    Ayşe Ozil, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey


    Main Language: English

    Additional Languages: French, Spanish, Italian

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication

    Submissions should be sent to:
    Manuela Sanna, Institute for the History of Philosophy, Italy,
    Luisa Simonutti, Institute for the History of Philosophy, Italy,