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Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia

New Perspectives in Western & Central Asian Archaeology

Editor: Vanessa Boschloos
Publishing Manager: Rosie Bonté
Publisher: Brepols

1 issue/year

Method of peer review
at least two double-blind reviews undertaken by a specialist member of the Board and/or external specialists

Archaeology history, art history, Western Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, interdisciplinary, transregional, history, heritage

Accepted Language(s):

Will be available in Open Access


The aim of the journal ARWA (Archaeological Research in Western & Central Asia) is to promote interdisciplinary and cross-regional research on the past human groups living in the cultural zone extending from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indus Valley, linking archaeology with history, philology, art history, cultural anthropology, heritage studies, biology, geology and applied sciences. This is a full Open Access journal that focuses on transregional research on any period.

The journal will be comprised of:

1. Perspective papers that offer a comprehensive review of the most important current problems in the archaeology of the region. After peer review, these papers will be made available online for a few months before final publication and in that time other authors may send comments / replies that will be published together with the original perspective paper.
2. Original research papers of no more than 8000 words. Research papers should follow the standard format of an archaeological paper, with relatively high limit of figures and/or tables. Papers will be submitted to a double-blind peer review process.


    Associate Editors 2020-2025:
    Vanesa BOSCHLOOS, Ghent University
    Peter COBB, Hong Kong University
    Nasir ESKANDARI, University of Tehran
    Nathalie KALLAS, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
    Dorota ŁAWECKA, University of Warsaw
    Arkadiusz SOŁTYSIAK, University of Warsaw

    Editorial Board:
    Çiler Çilingiroğlu, Ege University
    Nadezdha Dubova, Russian Academy of Science
    Jaafar Jotheri, University of Al Qadisiyah
    Lori Khatchadourian, Cornell University
    Peter Magee, Bryn Mawr
    Holly Pittman, University of Pennsylvania
    Thilo Rehren, The Cyprus Institute
    Jason Ur, Harvard University


    Main Language: English

    Submissions should be sent to:

    Peer Review Procedure
    Double-blind undertaken by external specialists

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication

    Guidelines for Authors
    A detailed stylesheet for ARWA can be found at:

    Ethics, Malpractice and Authorship Statement

    All articles are digitally archived in Portico