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The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe

Editor: Chiara Franceschini
Publishing Manager: Johan Van der Beke
Details View online content List of Publications

ISSN 2736-4208

Method of peer review
single-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

Early Modern Art History, Materiality, Iconography, Sacred Art, Normativity, Europe, Early Modern Period

Accepted Language(s):

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The Sacrima series brings together renowned and emerging scholars to develop the notions of ‘visual norm’ and the ‘normativity of images’, through a transnational and interdisciplinary analysis of style, iconography, replication and reframing of sacred images.


    Main Language: English

    All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication.

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