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The Pre-Christian Religions of the North

Editors: John McKinnell John Lindow Margaret Clunies Ross
Publishing Manager: Guy Carney
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ISSN 2736-7312

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This series of volumes on the subject of the pre-Christian religions of Scandinavia (broadly considered) offers a new assessment of the religion and mythology of early Scandinavia, based on the most up-to-date research in literature, art, archaeology, and the history of religions. A collaborative effort involving the input of more than thirty leading scholars around the world, the Pre-Christian Religions of the North project provides a thoroughly researched and accessible series of studies, handbooks, and resources for researchers, teachers, and students of the medieval North. These volumes will become a major reference resource and handbook on a subject that still excites much public interest and on which a great deal of research has been undertaken over the last century.


    Editorial Board
    John McKinnell
    John Lindow
    Margaret Clunies Ross