Corpus Christianorum > Corpus Christianorum Texts and Studies
Hagiographies : Histoire internationale de la littérature hagiographique latine et vernaculaire en Occident des origines à 1550. International History of the Latin and Vernacular Hagiographical Literature in the West from its Origins to 1550
Internationale Geschichte der lateinischen und einheimischen hagiographischen Literatur im Abendland von den Anfängen bis 1550. Storia internazionale della letteratura agiografica latina e volgare in Occidente dalle origini a 1550
ISSN 2566-0861
Hagiographic literature, Christian literature, Latin literature, Vernacular literature, Medieval Literature
An 'International History of the Latin and Vernacular Hagiographical Literature in the West from its Origins tot 1550', published by some 60 historians and philologists from around the world, intended to serve as material for a general typology and for a comparative literary history of the hagiographical literatures.
sous la direction de
Fernand Peloux (Chargé de recherche au CNRS), FRAMESPA, UMR 5136- Université Toulouse II Jean-Jaurès
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