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Biblia vernacula

Editor: Vladimir Agrigoroaei
Publishing Manager: Jirki Thibaut
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ISSN 2983-9319

Method of peer review
for a detailed description please see Author Information

1000-1700 AD, Entire Europe, the "Byzantine Commonwealth", Translation studies, philology, Bible studies, vernacular theologies, linguistics, codicology, palaeography, Middle Ages, Renaissance

Accepted Language(s):

Accepts Contributions in Open Access


The series explores vernacular translations of the Bible from the philological perspective, with a strong emphasis on textual comparatism. It focuses on the direct textual links that link translations, adaptations, and commentaries based on sacred texts in an organic textual maze. As a result, the methodology behind the 'Biblia Vernacula' series merges philology, Bible studies, and translation studies, all while offering a comparative approach to the history of several European languages. It establishes a dialogue between several disciplines, charting new territories in the field of ‘vernacular theologies’: from the earliest anonymous texts written in Old English or Old French to the more famous vernacular translations of Hussite Bohemia and Lollard England, and reaching out into the late Hungarian, Romanian, or Ruthenian traditions at the very periphery of the ‘Byzantine Commonwealth’. The relationships between these vernacular texts—often analysed from their anamorphic reflections in cultural history—must be reexamined from a translatological, transtextual, linguistic, palaeographical, and even codicological point of view.


    Vladimir Agrigoroaei (CNRS-CESCM Poitiers, FR)
    Ileana Sasu (University of Tours, FR)
    Cinzia Pignatelli (University of Poitiers-CESCM, FR)
    Andrea Svobodova (Institute of the Czech Language, Prague, CZ)
    Katerina Volekova (Institute of the Czech Language, Prague, CZ)

    Agnes Korondi (National Szechenyi Library / Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU)
    Madalina Ungureanu (University of Iasi, RO)
    Ana-Maria Gansac (University of Iasi, RO)
    Stephen Morrison (University of Poitiers-CESCM, FR)
    Julia Verkholantsev (University of Pennsylvania, USA)


    Main Language: English

    All volumes of the 'Biblia vernacula' series are evaluated by the Editorial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on open review reports prepared by 3-5 referees who have been commissioned by virtue of their specialism in the appropriate field, as follows: 1-2 referees chosen by the author(s) or editor(s) of the volume; 1-3 reviewers chosen by the Director of the series and members of the Editorial Board, depending on the publication's subject and complexity. The Board ensures that the screening is done independently and without conflicts of interest. The definitive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication.

    All volumes of the 'Biblia vernacula' series follow 'Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford' (cf. 'New Oxford Style Manual' 2016).

    English short references can be found at:

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