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Commentaries on Early Christian and Patristic Texts

Editors: Joseph Verheyden Mathijs Lamberigts
Publishing Manager: Bart Janssens
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ISSN 2466-5878

Method of peer review
double-blind undertaken by a specialist member of the Board or an external specialist

Commentaries, Early Christian Literature, Theology, Early Church History, Patristic and Early Christian Studies, History of Theology, Early Christian World, esp. Latin and Greek, Early Christian and Patristic era

Accepted Language(s):
German, French, Italian, English

Accepts Contributions in Open Access

This book series no longer accepts new proposals


Adnotationes is a new series of scholarly commentaries on important early Christian and Patristic texts and authors. By its genre, the commentary focuses on an author and one of his works in a comprehensive way, paying attention to the theological or philosophical thought the author has been developing, his sources and his influence, the place a particular work has within his oeuvre, questions of terminology, style, rhetoric, composition, and text transmission, and the broader theological, historical, and social contexts in which the work took shape or that are reflected in it. As a rule the commentary does not reproduce the original text of the writing, but if deemed helpful it can include a modern translation. Contributors to the series are specialists of a specific author or work, qualified to write what should be a standard commentary that not only summarises past and current research but in itself constitutes a major contribution to it. The series welcomes contributions in English, German, French, and Italian.


    Series Editors
    Mathijs Lamberigts
    Joseph Verheyden

    Editorial Board
    Pauline Allen
    Jean-Marie Auwers
    Kristoffel Demoen
    Volker-Henning Drecoll
    Susanna K. Elm
    Johan Leemans
    Paul Mattei
    Lorenzo Perrone
    Markus Vinzent