Hortus Artium Medievalium 12, 2006
The Town in the Middle Ages
- Pages: 298 p.
- Size:235 x 305 mm
- Language(s):English, Italian, French
- Publication Year:2006
- Ref.: 04010436
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Brogiolo, G.P., Alcuni spunti per lo studio della città altomedievale italiana – Cauševic, M., Les cités antiques des îles du Kvarner dans l’Antiquité tardive: Curicum, Fulfinum et Apsorus – Jelicic-Radonic, J., Salona, The Urb Orientalis – Chevalier, P., Mardešic, J., La ville de Salone dans l’Antiquité tardive: déprise spatiale, mutations et renouveau de la parure monumentale – Sastre de Diego, I., Las cuidades del centro de la península Ibérica y el Sistema Central en la Antigüedad Tardia y la Alta Edad Media – Marakovic,N., Turkovic, T., Social Changes and the Idea of Urbanity Between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages – Vitri, S., Villa, L., Borzacconi, A., trasformationi urbane a Cividale dal tardoantico al medioevo: spunti di riflessione – Budak, N., Urban development of Rab- a Hypothesis – Jeremic, M., The Relationship between the Urban Physical Structures of Medieval Mitrovica and Roman Sirmium – De Rubeis, F., Dalla scittura pubblica alla scritura privata: paessagi urbani in transformazione – Vedriš, T., Martyrs, Relics, and Bishops: Representation of the City in Dalmatian Translation Legends – Janekovic Römer, Z., Dubrovnik and its first Shepherd Through the Changes of Citizenship in the Middle Ages – Belcari, R., La città oltre le mura. Pisa, Dalmazia e l’Oriente tra XI e XIII secolo – Szakàcs, B. Zs., Town and Cathedral in Medieval Hungary – Goss, V. P., Two Models of Romanesque Territorial Organization in Continental Croatia – Marincovic, A., Hagiographical Motifs and Visual Identity: The late-Medieval Communal Seal of Trogir
VARIA: Migotti, B., “Pannonian altars”- a reinterpretation – Woda, N., Reisen französischer Pilger Zwischen Venedig und Korfu im 15. Jahrhundert – Terrier, J., Jurkovic, M., Matejcic, I., Les sites de l’église Saint-Simon, de la basilique à trios nefs, de l’agglomération de Guran et de l’église Sainte- Cecile en Istrie (Croatie): Quatrième champagne de fouilles archéologiques – Ruffieux, Ph., La céramique de la basilique à trios nefs de Guran en Istrie (Croatie)