Almagest, International journal for the History of Scientific Ideas, 2015/2
- Pages: 176 p.
- Size:160 x 240 mm
- Language(s):French, English
- Publication Year:2016
- Ref.: 04010361
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Anne Tihon
Remarques sur les scolies anciennes de l’Almageste
Millán Gasca
“Une jeune fille fort sérieuse”: Suzanne Lambin (1902-2008), A Pioneer in Biomedicine and Biomathematics
Jan Vandersmissen
Débats européens sur les formes de la vie marine au Siècle des Lumières
René Sigrist, Alexander Moutchnik
Entre Ciel et Terre : les fonctions de l’astronomie dans la Russie du 18e siècle
Raffaele Pisano, Paolo Bussotti
Fibonacci and the Abacus Schools in Italy. Mathematical Conceptual Streams - Education and its Changing Relationship with Society
BOOK REVIEW by Nadia Danova
Alexandre Kostov: От занаят към професия. Инженерството на Балканите от началото на ХVІІІ век до Първата световна война (From Craft to Profession. Engineering in the Balkans from the Beginning of the 18th Century to World War I) Sofia, Paradigma, 2015, 412 p.
Guidelines for Authors