Journal Liber Annuus, vol. 72

Liber Annuus 72 (2022, publ. 2023)

Annual of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (Jerusalem)

  • Pages: 736 p.
  • Size:170 x 240 mm
  • Illustrations:165 b/w
  • Language(s):Italian, English, German
  • Publication Year:2023

  • ISBN: 979-12-5471-176-7
  • Paperback
  • Available
    • E-journal
    • Available


    La trasgressione in Gen 3,1-7 (Anto Popović)
    Die Dynamik des im Werden begriffenen Volkes Abrahams unter Isaak und Jakob in Gen 25-50 (David Volgger)
    Tre compravendite di terreni, Gen 23, 2Sam 24 e Rt 4, e la ‘peripezia’ di Aristotele (Stefano Vuaran)
    Il Mosè deuteronomico verso la terra promessa (Michelangelo Priotto)
    Joshua’s profile at the descent from Mount Sinai (Blažej Štrba)
    A sketch of the Babylonian Exile (Vincenzo Lopasso)
    Mehrfach ü̈berlieferte Texte in der hebräischen Bibel: Masoretische Vokalisierung und Akzentuierung (Gregor Geiger)
    The Gә’әz Bible: Notes on its origins and translation techniques (Tedros Abraha)
    La fine di Q (Mt 19,28 // Lc 22,28-30) (Matteo Munari)
    Centurion’s ‘Slave’ or ‘Servant’: A Narrative Study of Luke 7:1-10 (Piotr Blajer)
    Genealogical Terminology and Ethical Behavior in John 8:31-59 (Alessandro Cavicchia)
    Noi abbiamo il pensiero di Cristo: νοῦς κυρίου e νοῦς Χριστοῦ in 1Cor 2,16 (Samuele Salvatori)
    My Death like Christ’s (1 Tess 4,14-18) (José Miguel García Pérez)
    God’s creation and its Christological fulfilment in the Book of Revelation (Francesco Piazzolla)
    A Recently Discovered Church at Ashdod-Yam (Azotos Paralios) in Light of Its Greek Inscriptions (Leah Di Segni, Liora Bouzaglou & Alexander Fantalkin)
    Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, Holy Sepulchre: a preliminary report (Francesca Romana Stasolla et alii)
    Opus Sectile Tiles from the Stepped Street Excavations: Reconstructing a Portion of a Decorative Wall Panel from the Byzantine Church at the Pool of Siloam (Frankie Snyder, Ortal Chalaf, Nahshon Szanton, Moran Hagbi & Ari Levy)
    The Lost Key to the Tomb of the Kings in Jerusalem: A Freshly Discovered Stone Relief in Machaerus Identifies its Founder as King Herod the Great (Győző Vörös)
    Early Byzantine ‘Basket’ Capitals in Churches and Monasteries of the Holy Land: Stylistic and Morphological Synthesis (Svetlana Tarkhanova)
    Pietro, la colonna e il gallo. La memoria della casa di Caifa nelle raffigurazioni del ter negabis (Dimitri Cascianelli)
    The Russian Collection of Antiquities in Jerusalem: A First Reconstruction (Yana Tchekhanovets & Leonid Belyaev)
    The Dioskouroi, Eros, Hades/Pluto, Hera, Kronos, Nemesis and Tyche in the Decapolis (Asher Ovadiah)
    Grammatiche e dizionari di ebraico-aramaico in italiano. Catalogo ragionato – Aggiornamento (giugno 2022) (Massimo Pazzini)

    Sintesi degli articoli (Abstracts)
    SBF: Anno accademico 2021 - 2022
    Indici Liber Annuus 1981 - 2021