Aspice Hunc Opus Mirum
Festschrift on the occasion of Nikola Jaksić's 70th birthday
Miljenko Jurković, Ivan Josipović (eds)
- Pages: 638 p.
- Size:200 x 280 mm
- Illustrations:200 b/w, 245 col.
- Language(s):English, French, Italian
- Publication Year:2021
- ISBN: 978-953-8250-10-1
- Paperback
- Available
This book consists of more than 40 contributions dealing with problems in disciplines of history, arthistory and archaeology of mostly Late Antique and Medieval periods, all of them intended as a memento for professor emeritus Nikola Jakšić in honour of his 70th birthday.
Miljenko Jurković, directeur de la revue
Ivan Josipović, maitre de conferences, Universite de Zadar, co-editeur
All of the contributions in this book are original scientific papers and all of them are dealing with problems not yet resolved in disciplines of history, arthistory and archaeology of mostly Late Antique and Medieval periods, but later ones as well. All of the papers also deal with problematics that are connected to the territory of today’s Croatia or its neighbouring regions in European context, which is why they are especially relevant for the Croatian national scientific community and its development. Therefore, the scientific impact of this book will be huge bearing in mind that all the authors did it for celebrating professor Jakšić’s character and deeds.
Ivan Josipović - Miljenko Jurković, Predgovor / Foreword
Ivan Josipović, Profesoru Nikoli Jakšiću u čast – biografska bilješka uz njegov sedamdeseti rođendan / In Honour of Prof. Nikola Jakšić – a Biographical Note on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
Meri Zornija, Bibliography of Professor Nikola Jakšić
Josip Belamarić, The Middle Ages Nikole Jakšića
Romano Meštrović, Doprinos profesora Nikole Jakšića demokratizaciji grada Zadra
Miljenko Jurković, "The Art of the Court" in the Long Middle Ages – a String of Renaissances
Dino Milinović, Politically Controlled Images: Interpreting Late Roman Silver "Picture Plates"
Giuseppe Cuscito, Ancora sul primo cristianesimo in Dalmazia tra fonti letterarie e riscontri archeologico-monumentali
Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Contesto e sequenze stratigrafiche della basilica padovana di Santa Giustina
Morana Čaušević-Bully - Sébastien Bully, Le peigne paléochrétien de Mirine (Omišalj, Île de Krk)Željko Peković, The Late Antique Imperial Palace in Polače on the Island of Mljet
Enrico Cirelli, Rulers and Patronage in Late Antique Ravenna
Clementina Rizzardi, Da Pola a Ravenna: l’opera del vescovo Massimiano tra politica, religione e arte (VI secolo)
Paola Novara, La munificenza episcopale al tramonto dell’Esarcato. Il segnacolo di Giovanni V nella basilica di Sant’Apollinare in Classe (a. 731)
Danijel Džino, The Secret Life of Salona in 7th and 8th Century
Peter Štih, On the Raetian-Alemannic Connections with Istria, Dalmatia and Carantania in the Carolingian Age – Two Examples
Ivan Basić, Amalarius of Metz at the Court of Leo V: A Note on Imperial Ceremonial
Pascale Chevalier, Les paroles de pierre - mots et monogrammes – de quelques chancels paléochrétiens
Michelle Beghelli, Un atelier di scultori altomedievali: la ‘prima bottega di Ventimiglia’ e la sua area di attività, gli arredi lapidei della cattedrale e la loro ricostruzione
Meri Zornija, Dalla penna allo scalpello: analisi di archetipi per la morfologia delle lettere sull’epigrafe dei cibori di Cattaro
Jean-Pierre Caillet, Les basiliques à coupole de Dalmatie (Xe-XIe s.) : leur juste place dans la diffusion d’un type architectural de Byzance à l’Occident
Neven Budak, Queen Helen and King Michael: The Beginning of a New Dynasty?
Ivan Josipović - Lucija Kraljević, The Case of Zadar Proconsul Gregorius’. Ciborium – Spolia as a Template for a New Monument
Magdalena Skoblar, Beast from the East: The Griffin’s Journey to Dalmatian Eleventh-Century Sculpture
Stefano Riccioni, La manticora e la sfinge. Echi d’Oriente nei depositi della Ca’ d’Oro
Emanuela Elba, The Dalmatian Manuscripts in Beneventan Script and the Notion of "Adriatic Periphery". Notes for a New Research Setting
Giulia Orofino, Un messale e il suo sistema illustrativo. Contributo per la miniatura "Bari type"
Trpimir Vedriš, Sancto Grisogono quo gaudet Iadra patrono: The Dedicatory Inscription of St Chrysogonus and the Tradition of Martyr’s translatio
Stéphane Gioanni, Sainte Anastasie et la « liberté » de Zadar : remarques sur le « privilège de liberté » du pape Innocent III au « chapitre de Sainte-Anastasie » (1198)
Antun Nekić, In Defense of Their See: The Bishops of Zagreb (1272-1301)
Mladen Ančić, The Murder of Queen Elizabeth – a Case Study of the Late Medieval Political Propaganda
Giovanna Valenzano, Giotto – inventore di iconografie: ancora sul ciclo degli Scrovegni
Ana Mišković, Medieval Reliquaries and Their Role in Christian Processions
Manlio Leo Mezzacasa, Little-Known Metalwork in Trecento Venice and the Veneto
Ante Milošević, Calices et patenae funerales and the Medieval Church of St John at Bribir
Luca Mor, Su un maestro dal fare garbato. Una Madonna del Trecento e un raggruppamento di sculture lignee nelle Alpi orientali
Silvija Banić, The Veglia Altar Frontal: Notes on Its Acquisition and Subsequent Conservation
Danijel Ciković, ...dalla parte di sotto dell’istessa Palla vi è l’Arma Frangipani...: la pala d’argento della cattedrale di Veglia
Marijan Bradanović, Tra Venezia e Zara – contributi del Quarnero alla scultura del Trecento per il professor Nikola Jakšić
Ivan Matejčić, Due contributi sulla scultura lignea per il prof. Jakšić
Igor Fisković, Una nota sui portali di Bonino di Giacomo in Dalmazia
Federica Toniolo, Libri di e per Religiose: Ferrara XV secolo
Xavier Barral i Altet, Réflexions sur la notion et l’existence d’un Art du Royaume de Majorque aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles : réalité médiévale ou construction politique du XXe siècle ?
Susy Marcon, Giulio Clovio e il tema della Resurrezione
Bojan Goja, Le opere degli argentieri milanesi Tommaso Panizza e Francesco Ceppi wnella tesoreria della cattedrale di Zara
Radoslav Tomić, Le Bocche di Cattaro nei dipinti di Johann Högelmüller
Josip Belamarić, Jean Baptiste Van Moer (1819-1884), Images of Diocletian’s Palace