Bulletin de philosophie médiévale 65 (2023, publ. 2024)
- Pages: xiv + 642 p.
- Size:156 x 234 mm
- Illustrations:1 b/w
- Language(s):French, English, Italian
- Publication Year:2024
- ISBN: 978-2-503-60823-5
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Alessandra Beccarisi, Editorial
I. Recherches et notes
Fouad Ben Ahmed, Ibn Ṭumlūs of Alcira (d. 620/1223) on Jurisprudential Inferences and Logic. Introduction, Edition, and Translation of Al-qawl fī al-maqāyīs al- qhiyyah
Giulio Navarra, From Toledo to the Court of Frederick II: The ‘Science of the Stars’ and the Human Soul in the 4th Distinctio (De anima) of Michael Scot’s Liber Introductorius
Markus Erne, Pierre d’Aillys Insolubilia in der Handschrift Lübeck, Stadtbibliothek, Ms. philos. 8° 2: Ein Nachtrag zur textkritischen Edition
Juan David Montejo, Olivis vermeintlich zweifache Metaphysik
Amos Bertolacci, Aquila o herodius? Alberto Magno interprete della Meta sicadi Aristotele nel Prologo della Summa theologiae
Stefano Perfetti, Reptile animae viventis. Filosofia naturale aristotelica ed esegesi biblica nella Summa theologiae di Alberto Magno
Anna Rodolfi, Nature et esprit des anges dans la Summa theologiae sive de mirabili scientia Dei d’Albert le Grand
Paola Bernardini, Per Aristotelem et per veritatem. Arguments Against the Unicity of the Intellect in Albert the Great’s Summa theologiae, II pars, tr. 13, q. 77, m. 3
Amalia Cerrito, Maschile e femminile. Paternità e maternità delle piante nel pensiero di Alberto Magno
Silvia Di Vincenzo, Tradurre il metodo tra metafisica e teologia. Alberto Magno lettore di Avicenna in Summa theologiae, I, q. V, cap. 3
Marco Signori, Chartula brevis. L’anima intellettuale come libro e come luogo tra Algazel e la Summa theologiae di Alberto Magno
Evan King, The Anonymous Declaratio on the Elementatio theologica of Proclus
Georgios Savoidakis, Le commentaire de Georges Pachymère sur le Parménide de Platon : une interprétation aristotélicienne de la dialectique de Platon
II. Congrès terminés
Robert Maximilian Schneider, Köln: “Consensus. 43. Kölner Mediaevistentagung. Internationale Kölner Biennale der Mittelalterforschung”
Charles Girard, Venezia: “Peter Abelard’s Logic and Its Network”
Abigail Whalen, Leuven: “From Toledo to Gotha: New Perspectives on the Impact of Avicenna Upon Sciences and Philosophy in Europe”
Anna Rodolfi, Firenze: « Filosofie dell’angelo tra medioevo e prima modernità»
Pascale Bermon, Dominique Poirel, Paris: « La nature au Moyen Âge »
Marta Borgo, Paris: « Obéissance et autorité au Moyen Âge »
Monica Brinzei, Roma: “Workshop on Medieval Carmelite Scholastics”
Lucas Nogueira Borges, Berlin: “Medieval Theories of the Intellect” (7) Louvain-la-Neuve: “Distinction and Identity in Late-Scholastic
Claus A. Andersen, Louvain-la-Neuve: “Distinction and Identity in Late-Scholastic Thought and Beyond”
Ginevra Tozzi, Germano Gorga, Lucca: “Aqua et Terra. الماء والأرض Interactions of Aristotelian Elements in Medieval Philosophy, From the Bible to Dante”
Maria Sorokina, Paris: « Quid sit numerus. Théories et conceptualisations du nombre au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance »
Cecilia Rusconi, Buenos Aires: “Voluntad divina, voluntad angélica y voluntad humana desde la Tardo-antigüedad a la Modernidad Temprana”
III. Commissions
Steven Harvey - Resianne Fontaine, Commission for Jewish Philosophy (2018-2022)
IV. Informations concernant la S.I.E.P.M.
1. S.I.E.P.M. Jacqueline Hamesse Award 2023
2. In memoriam Joseph Ratzinger (1927-2022)