Centaurus. Journal of the European Society for the History of Science, Volume 64 (2022), Issue 2
- Pages: approx. 248 p.
- Size:178 x 254 mm
- Illustrations:48 col.
- Language(s):English
- Publication Year:2022
- ISBN: 978-2-503-59853-6
- Paperback
- Available
- E-journal
- Available
Christophe Sander, Rendering Magnetism Visible. Diagrams and Experiments Between 1300 and 1700
Alberto Bardi, The Cosmos in your Hand. A Note on Regiomontanus’ Astrological Interests
Paolo Savoia, Knowing Nature by its Surface: Butchers, Barbers, Surgeons, Gardeners and Physicians in Early Modern Italy
Christián C. Carman, On Tycho’s Calculation of the Coordinates of Hamal, the Fundamental Star of Tycho’s Catalog
Fabrizio Li Vigni, Hayek at the Santa Fe Institute. Origins, Models and Organization of the Cradle of Complexity Sciences
Hein Brookhuis, Transforming Big Science in Belgium Management Consultants and the Reorganization of the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN) 1980-1990
Marcin Krasnodębski, Lost Green Chemistries: History of Forgotten Environmental Trajectories
Book Reviews
Paula S. De Vos. Compound Remedies: Galenic Pharmacy from the Ancient Mediterranean to New Spain, by Angélica Morales
David P. D. Munns & Kärin Nickelsen. Far Beyond the Moon: A History of Life Support Systems in the Space Age, by Michael J. Neufeld
Josefina Rodríguez-Arribas, Charles Burnett, Silke Ackermann, Ryan Szpiech (eds). Astrolabes in Medieval Cultures, by Sara J. Schechner
Rita Felski & Stephen Muecke. Latour and the Humanities, by Juan M. Zaragoza
Hoffenberg,Peter H. A Science of our own: Exhibitions and the rise of Australian public science, by Joel Barnes